BOE on Disfellowshiped Relatives

by JWFreak 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWFreak

    Again...please do not request a pdf scan these are interbranch copies not the same ones sent to the congregations



    January 21, 2010


    Re: Qualifications of appointed persons in conjunction with disfellowshipped relatives

    Dear Brothers:

    The Bible tells us that we are not to fellowship with a person who has been expelled from
    the congregation. (1 Cor. 5:9-13; 2 John 9-11) Elders, ministerial servants, and regular pioneers
    should set an example in their dealings with disfellowshipped family members. (lv pp. 207-209)
    What responsibility does the body of elders have if a person in such an appointed position allows
    a disfellowshipped immediate family member to move into the home?

    The body of elders should review the qualifications of any appointed person who permits
    such a situation. (w88 3/1 p. 24 par. 5; w81 9/15 p. 29 pars. 16-17) It may be that the disfellow-
    shipped relative is physically or emotionally ill and unable to care for himself. Or dire circum-
    stances may exist so that a failure to provide assistance might result in disastrous consequences and
    even bring reproach on the congregation. In such circumstances, the appointed person may have
    felt there was no other recourse than to allow the family member to move into the home. The atti-
    tude of the disfellowshipped relative should also be considered. Has he ‘come to his senses’? (Luke
    15:17-19) Has he abandoned his sinful course? Or is he still engaged in serious wrongdoing? In
    carefully considering these and other relevant factors, the elders may determine that the appointed
    person is still exemplary, holds the respect of the congregation, and qualifies to continue serving.

    On the other hand, if the circumstances raise serious questions and the appointed person
    has lost the respect of the congregation, the elders may determine that it would be best for the
    appointed person to relinquish his privilege of service. As long as the unfavorable situation in the
    home exists, the person would no longer be used in any exemplary capacity. Since this may be
    disheartening to the individual, the elders should confirm their love for him and help him to ap-
    preciate that he is needed in the congregation. (w90 9/1 pp. 22-23 pars. 18-20) Of course, if the
    situation changes and the reason for the deletion no longer exists, it may be that the person will
    once again be able to enjoy privileges of service in the congregation.

    Be assured of our prayers for Jehovah’s continued blessing as you extend yourselves in
    behalf of the brotherhood. We send our warm Christian love.

    Your brothers,

    cc: Traveling overseers

    PS to secretary:

    This letter should be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters. You
    may wish to update the congregation copy of Index to Letters—For Bodies of Elders (S-22) at
    this time as well.

  • lepermessiah

    Thank you so much for posting these letters!!

  • chickpea

    ya just gotta love the presumption!

    The attitude of the disfellowshipped relative should also be considered. Has he ‘come to his senses’? (Luke
    15:17-19) Has he abandoned his sinful course? Or is he still engaged in serious wrongdoing?

    some of us came to our senses, and left!!

    the only "sin" i practice is the fabricated one of apostacy!


  • zoiks

    Or dire circumstances may exist so that a failure to provide assistance might result in disastrous consequences and
    even bring reproach on the congregation

    In other words, "Let's not allow things as useless as human kindness, decency, or family relationships cloud our judgment... but if we were to LOOK bad, THAT would truly be a tragedy".

    This stuff makes me really angry.

    Also hungry. Time for breakfast.

  • dissed

    ".....and the appointed person has lost the respect of the congregation, the elders may determine that it would be best for the
    appointed person to relinquish his privilege of service."

    Never underestimate the power of maliscious gossip in the congregation. In other words, the Elders hands may be tied into the feelings of the congregation, even if they are wrong in the assessment.

    Mob rule, inspired by gossip.

    "Can you believe Br. Elder taking in his destitute child who is DF'd? That's disgusting! How unchristian of him!"

  • TheOldHippie

    please do not request a pdf scan

    In other words - no way to know whether they are real or not ..............

    if the situation changes and the reason for the deletion no longer exists, it may be that the person will
    once again be able to enjoy privileges of service in the congregation

    Disgusting how they de-humanise people with these heartless expressions

  • blondie

    it would be best for the appointed person to relinquish his privilege of service. As long as the unfavorable situation in the
    home exists, the person would no longer be used in any exemplary capacity.

    1. Cannot be pioneer (reg or aux), MS, elder (be city overseer, department head or work at conventions/assemblies, no working on or supervising build projects through RBC or similar)

    2. Cannot handle microphones, take attendance or greet/seat people at meetings, assist literature/magazine/territory/sound & stage servants.

    3. Cannot be in the TMS, be an official reader for any meetings, cannot be used for demos/enactments at the KH, assemblies/conventions

    4. But they can donate as much money as they want (not dirty to them)

    Can they go D2D?

    Can they turn time in (I have known jws that were restricted from this)?

    Can they answer at meetings/read scriptures?

    Can they have the CO & wife over for dinner (can they give him the "green handshake")?

    If it is the husband's decision to do this, is the wife "punished" too?

    What really is a "privilege"?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    ".....and the appointed person has lost the respect of the congregation, the elders may determine that it would be best for the appointed person to relinquish his privilege of service."

    I'm willing to most cases the appointed person will lose respect for the cong. first.

    Think About It

  • lepermessiah

    I LOVE this:

    Since this may be disheartening to the individual, the elders should confirm their love for him and help him to ap-
    preciate that he is needed in the congregation.

    We love you but we are going to look down on you anyway!

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