do jws cheat on their taxes?

by rockmehardplace 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • rockmehardplace

    i was on the phone complaining to my wife how much i owe in taxes this year.

    no refund.

    she started in about how sister soandso is a pioneer, and since she considers this her career, she claims things like shoes, gas, clothes, and even if she has a part on a circuit or district, she claims the expenses for hotels and such. i told my wife there is no way she can do this, and she claims she told everyone that this is the umpteenth consecutive year doing it. so sounds like she gets away with it.

  • ninja

    who has been here forever

    even jesus was hammered with tacks

  • Dagney

    There are deductions that can be used if you claim to be a minister. So she may well be within the law.

  • blondie

    Her income may be so low that it doesn't run up a flag at the IRS...may cost more to audit than they would gain.

    I'm more concerned about the corporations that rip off the American public. We have large companies that have not paid state tax for years.

  • OnTheWayOut

    She may be within the law to do this and she may get audited and denied many of these claims.
    Taxes are meant to be worked around (legally). It's what the rich do.

    That said, some here oppose government bans on cults like the WTS in Russia or other countries.
    If such legal loopholes do exist and are legal, then government should be able to consider banning the whack-job religions such as WTS.

  • chickpea

    there is an elder in this community
    (at least he was the last i knew)
    who has a... yep, window cleaning
    service, but he also does snow removal
    and other types of work in that genre...
    awning installation, window film etc

    he is bartering his snow removal services
    at a local restaurant for food and not
    reporting it....

    sounds like cheatin' to me....

    Topic 420 - Bartering Income

    Bartering occurs when you exchange goods or services without exchanging money. An example of bartering is a plumber doing repair work for a dentist in exchange for dental services. The fair market value of goods and services received in exchange for goods or services you provide must be included in income in the year received.

  • asilentone

    it is way too much trouble to keep up the expenses daily for tax purposes.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    As a group most JW's are probably more ethical in this area than most citizens. There are numerous legitimate deductions and loopholes. I've always considered myself very ethical in this regard.

    As a broad statement Yes or JW's cheat on their taxes.....I say No.

    Think About It

  • thetrueone

    she started in about how sister soandso is a pioneer, and since she considers this her career, she claims things like shoes, gas, clothes, and even if she has a part on a circuit or district, she claims the expenses for hotels and such. i told my wife there is no way she can do this, and she claims she told everyone that this is the umpteenth consecutive year doing it. so sounds like she gets away with it.

    I find that rather far fetched since the WTS is a non-profit organization and that said pioneer is not being paid by the organization for her work.

    You have to be financially receiving income from that work to levy a tax deduction from accomplishing this particular work,

    if my memory serves me JW pioneers do not get paid by the WTS. to do so.

    A part of the JWS indoctrination is to not respect worldly governments, so because of this you find a lot of JWS cheating on their taxes.

  • undercover
    do jws cheat on their taxes?

    That's like asking 'do Americans cheat on their taxes'? The simple answer is "yes". Americans do cheat on their taxes...but not all Americans. Some do, some don't.

    Same with JWs, some do, some don't. But I would venture to say that 'most' JWs probably do not knowingly cheat on their taxes. The Society has always harped on the 'pay Caeser's things to Caeser' so much that most dubs know to pay what's owed.

    But, at the same time, we've seen plenty of illegal activities by JWs reported on, so it would be naive to think that all dubs pay all the taxes due. I'm sure that a fair share find ways to not pay their taxes, whether legally or illegally.

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