do jws cheat on their taxes?

by rockmehardplace 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • zzaphod

    "Do Jw`s cheat on their taxes?",well assuming taxes are pretty similar here as they are in the US of A, I would say no.

    They do however know how to work the system to their advantage, and if there`s a £0.01 (penny) refund to be claimed, they will claim it, and more.

    Although it pains me to say it - good luck to them

    ugh! I think I need a shower after typing that!

    All the best

    Paul UK


    Lots of tax fiddlers no doubt, given how generally tight jw’s can be.

    My Q is… What is the tax footprint of theorg?

    Whilst Charity status does minimise tax, the org will still contribute a fair amount. However weigh this against the 7million+ members, many of whom are of the poorer segments of society who may well be on more benefits than they pay back in tax.

    Clearly pioneers have always been encouraged to milk the system at a local level – work minimum hours to claim maximum government benefits. Many argue they pay their own way and feel proud of doing so. But do they actually contribute to the average cost of society? e.g. Dub A pays £2000 in tax/NIC/VAT pa but the average cost of everyone in the UK is over £10,000 (£631bn government spend in 2009 divided by 61m population )

    Thinking about your own/ex cong – do it’s 100 publishers contribute £1m in tax (do need to include council tax, VAT, their respective employers NIC & share of profits etc).

    If every publisher in the UK only funds 50% (generous estimation) of the average cost to society (for education, health, welfare etc) then that would leave a £650m burden on society and I don’t think the org makes up this shortfall in tax…

    If one could do the calculation then my money is on JW’s sponging off society – which is a bit of an insult when they turn up at your door on a well earned weekend preaching that you are materialistic for basically paying for a roof over their heads (housing benefits) or at least subsidising their use of the NHS or education system.


  • TardNFeatheredJW

    Probably less often than the general population.

  • miseryloveselders

    Cheating on taxes is a strange topic to generalize about. Tax cheaters don't exactly make the news with the exception of the guy who flew into the IRS, or when someone gets jail time over a large amount of owed back taxes. Its funny on this forum how people stereotype JWs as less than intelligent with terms such as "janitors", or "window washers", only to contradict themselves by saying JWs in general are intelligent enough to have the knowhow to cheat on their taxes. Hmmmmmm

    One thing I will admit though, WT articles have included cheating on taxes enough amongst other sins that True Christians wouldnt be involved in, that it makes me wonder if its possibly a problem, or are they trying to make a simple distinction? I don't know man.

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