Christians: Is Military Service Wrong?

by leavingwt 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs


    Always do due diligence with any career choice, check it out like you would any university you might send him to. The Air force offers a free ride on education, which is very attractive considering a university will run 6 figures. I'm still paying on my kids college loans but glad to do it.

    Take care

  • awildflower

    Thanks Designs, it's just something he's looking into.

  • leavingwt

    I've enjoyed the many responses/comments by the many posters. There are so many that I cannot respond to all of them, personally. I just want to thank you all.

  • nugget

    In order for evil to flourish it is enough for good men to do nothing. This was said by a wise man.

    It is hard to imagine Jesus in combats carrying a rifle but it is also hard to imagine him in Germany and doing nothing for all those in concentration camps. We do see in the Bible the angels being described as an army so if war is part of the heavenly remit then it is possible that in certain circumstances it is the only option.

    I feel more comfortable with pacifism but I appreciate the hypocrasy of expecting others to lay their lives on the line on my behalf. Who knows if it came to the crunch what any of us would do.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I'm non-Christian in the sense that I don't profess to be Christ-like. I think Christians can use "self-defense", even lethal if necessary. I'm pro-Military in the sense that I don't have a problem with some of it. But, I think true Christians if in the military need to make sure they do not do unchristian things.

    I guess it is "possible" to be a Christian and be in some capacity of military service. I've got a crude example, but it's the only one I can think of. I guess it's also possible to be a prostitute and never get yourself into a situation where you are fucked. I dunno....just say'n.

    Think About It

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I need some advise. Next weekend I'm taking my F-2000 and going on some para-military war games with my ex-Army/Marine SIL. This time, I think I'm going to portray a Bible believin', God-fearin'. true Christian fightin' SOB. Should I wear a cross and carry a pocket bible? Do I pray before or after I kill any insurgents? Just what is proper Christian military etiqutte in these matters? WWJD...please help!

    Think About It

  • designs

    Dear Think,

    Thanks for the thoughtful question. Christian militants are always left with the final quandry of what to say as they plunge the K-Bar into the gut of the enemy. Do they say 'I am saving you from Hell' or 'I am sending you to Hell'. Very difficult to know the proper ettiquette in those circumstances.

  • AGuest

    I think the answer to your questions, dear TAI (and may you have peace...) is summed up in a couple things, including something my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy One of Israel and Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel is recorded to have said.

    I think I'm going to portray a Bible believin', God-fearin'. true Christian fightin' SOB.

    Certainly you know that not all who profess to be Israel... are Israel. And the same applies to "christians." Just because one CLAIMS to be a "christian" (usually because they "like" the teachings of my Lord, but that doesn't necessarily mean they FOLLOW them...)... does not mean one IS a christian. To literally be a christian, one must have been anointed with holy spirit. For that IS what the name means: "chosen/anointed person". Christ (kristos) person. If one has NOT received such spirit, one is merely one of those who "go with" the Household of God... "Israel." But because they have not been grafted INTO the House... they are actually more like the "vast mixed company." And no, that is NOT the "great crowd" - the great crowd are people of EVERY nation, tribe and tongue... who have been grafted into Israel... by means of having washed their robes white... in his blood.

    Also, my Lord is recorded to have said, ""Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

    So, simply because people do things in his name... also does not make them a christian. It would be like someone learning the laws of Israel... then going out and slaying people who transgressed the law... then claiming to be Israel because of doing so and because of adhering to the law. Unless such person was CIRCUMCISED, however, they still weren't an Israelite. Applying that to so-called "christians"... unless that person has undergone circumcision (meaning, cutting away the flesh)... of the HEART... which "circumcision" is performed by GOD... through His Son and Holy Spirit, CHRIST... then they aren't "Israel"... and thus, aren't christians.

    Paul also had a very revealing comment: "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." 2 Corinthians 10:4

    My Lord had the power to call down myriads in his defense, and yet didn't. Can someone say they are following in his footsteps and then go out and instigate war? I am not so sure.

    I also want to leave you with this thought: on 911, the WTC was attacked. Many in the US took (and still take) it as a personal offense. In their minds, it was they who were being attacked and so retaliation was and is appropriate. Personally, I saw a system attacked. A system set up by various governments, that of the country I live in and others. And so, I did not take it personally. I understand that the country... and the system of that country... is touted to be one of the best in the world, indeed perhaps the best known to mankind. What many forget, however, is how that system even came to be. IF, however, the very people kidnapped and brutally forced to BUILD that system had revolted... had taken up arms and slaughtered every man, woman, and child who put them under such a heinous institution (and, yes, I am talking about the institution of free labor that build this country and its system - African slavery)... there would BE no system... as we know it now... TO retaliate FOR. Thus, SOMETIMES... pacifism ISN'T such a bad thing.

    Personally, I believe I have more to worry about with the riffraff, thieves, and drug addicts that live in my town... than I do of Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah, or the Taliban. If, however, I chose to take up arms and go after THESE... I would be considered a "vigilante" and taken to jail.

    Military service is not "wrong," for a true christian - again, there are MANY things such one can do in such "service." Murder, however, is wrong... for anyone. And plotting to kill... anyone... is murder. No matter what the "rules" of war says, it is murder because it requires PREMEDITATION. Defending oneself is NOT murder... and the one defending has every right to do so; however, when it comes to one being persecuted for CHRIST... when one is being attacked solely on the basis and for the reason that one IS a "christian"... one has an example to follow. Christ. In order to say one BELONGS to HIM... one must do as he WOULD do. And we have the example of that. We know what he did.

    I bid you peace... and the wish that whatever "anger" you possess, against whomever... and whatever vengeance you feel YOU must mete out... is at some point put into its proper context.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    AGuest.....I'm not sure how I want to respond to this, because's not to the point and it's kinda "out there". Lot's of history video evidence and logical questions of my points. To put so much time and effort into a difference conclusion on the matter is puzzling.

    Think About It

  • BurnTheShips
    Any of you war-mongering Christians ready to cry uncle yet? I've just scratched the surface of Christian atrocities in the name of God. Haven't I embarrassed Jesus enough for you yet? Isn't YouTube wonderful?

    Jesus didn't condone any thing you have posted. And neither I or anyone on this board is guilty of any of it either. The only one you have embarassed is yourself.

    P.S....I use to eat dip-shits like you for breakfast in the name of Jehovah & Jesus.


    You've embarrassed yourself some more. Isn't YouTube wonderful?

    Should I wear a cross and carry a pocket bible? Do I pray before or after I kill any insurgents? Just what is proper Christian military etiqutte in these matters? WWJD...please help!

    So you feel it is not moral for a Christian to go shoot like you do? Why do you hold Christians to a higher moral standard than your own self (which actually isn't higher at all)?

    What is more moral?

    To sit idly and witness the murder of an innocent, or to act to stop it?

    To sit idly and witness the the violation of a woman, or to act to stop it?

    Standing by and refusing to act while harm befalls a neighbor is not a virtue; it is a vice.

    If force must be used, it must be used out of love for self and neighbor.

    If I was a warrior, and I felt it was more moral for me to fight than not to, my cross would be around my neck, my bible in my pocket, and my weapon in my hands. I would kill my enemy if I had to, and I would pity his death, hope his soul found peace, but I would feel no remorse for my actions.

    Saint Michael the archangel,

    defend us in battle.

    Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

    and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,

    by the Power of God,

    cast into hell,

    Satan and all evil spirits,

    who wander this world seeking the ruin of souls.



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