Can JW's run the New System without worldly people?

by moshe 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    rub a dub: in order to have windows to clean you have to have glass in them. In order to have glass in the windows you have to have factorys to make the glass. In order to have factorys that make glass you have to have staff who know how to make glass...... order to get the glass from the factory to the window it has to be transported, somehow i think a horse and cart isn't a great way of doing that?!!

  • JWoods

    Run the infrastructure? Hell, they could not even FIND one another if the big A actually happened like in those WT pictures.

    Like I said before, I really don't think most of the JWs are truly and practically convinced this will really happen in the next 50 years, or in their effective lifetimes. Here today for the society is what matters to all of them from the top down.

  • RubaDub
    In order to have factorys that make glass you have to have staff who know how to make glass......

    Highdose ...

    I see you are the doubter here.

    The windows I was referring to are of course figurative ones (or typical or anti-typical or whatever). They are not to be seen with the naked eye. Rather, you will understand you have a window when an insect come flying towards an opening in your home and then veers away.

    Highdose, you obviously are lacking in faith. You need to spend more time on the board here.

    Rub a Dub

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    There is no new system as they envision it.


  • sacolton

    No, they can't, but, boy, will the windows be clean! Woooo!

  • aniron

    No, they can't, but, boy, will the windows be clean! Woooo!

    What windows? Who's making the glass??

  • sacolton

    Left over glass?

  • undercover

    You guys are such naysayers...

    Dontchaknow that with Joe Hober all things are possible? He'll keep it all going for his lil dubbies. As long as they go to the Hall, clean windows and molest children he'll take care of the rest.

  • LongHairGal


    I have seen this show and I was pretty shocked that the earth would become toxic in a very short time if there were no people to man all the nuclear power plants, etc. Everything would end up being blown up and burned. It would be a toxic hell in a very short time. God help any survivors. If the wild dogs don't get them they would be roasted or poisoned. It isn't a pretty picture at all.

    This is why I do not believe the fantasy scenario that the JW religion tries to paint of what the world will be like after 'armageddon'. Needing a stick to bury their doo-doo would be the least of their problems.

  • pallemar

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