Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas?

by believingxjw 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt


    Please give some consideration to this: "Atheist" and "Anti-Theist" are not the same thing.

    In other words, because Christianity does not suit my fancy, this need not be interpreted as being "critical" of Christianity or an attack on those who do like Christianity.

    If anything, I'm more apatheistic than 'atheist'. The term atheist doesn't tell us very much. I belong to The Church of I Don't Know. (I know some stuff, but there is more that I don't know.)


  • leavingwt

    One more thing, I reject the premise that "celebrating Christmas" is necessarily a religious thing.

    More than likely, you reject my opinion of this. If so, we are likely at an impasse.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    leavingwt is actually the ANTI-CHRIST ... i know, i saw his application

  • believingxjw


    "One more thing, I reject the premise that "celebrating Christmas" is necessarily a religious thing. More than likely, you reject this. If so, we are likely at an impasse."

    I agree.

  • leavingwt

    How can such a person call the GB hypocritical?

    Isn't it possible that both I and the GB are hypocritical? If so, why would I not call them hypocritical?

    I claim to be nothing but a private citizen enjoying liberty. They claim to the sole channel of God, providing the only legitimate spiritual food on the planet. There is a big difference, here -- even if I were to agree that I'm a hypocrite, which I don't.

  • bluecanary

    Are you going to criticize people for painting eggs and hiding them for their kids when they don't believe in Jesus? Even thought it's associated with the celebration of Jesus' resurrection its actual connection to Christianity is tenuous at best. People adapt popular customs and impart the meaning to it they choose. If people want to have a tree and lights and exchange gifts and spend time with family, Christmas is a great opportunity to do it.

    And unlike the JWs, we are not afraid of other religions. I respect the rights of people to believe and practice their religion however they choose as long as it doesn't hurt others (shunning, anyone?). And if someone I care about engages in religious activities, I'll participate to an extent to show my support even though I don't believe in it. I'm neither Christian nor Jewish but I'm giving a dreidel to a friend of mine for Christmas. He's pagan. But he wants a dreidel for Christmas.

    You remind me of the people who say "My god is your god, even if you don't believe it." No. You may believe that your god created me but that doesn't make him my god. He wouldn't be my god unless I chose to worship him.

    I enjoy the story of the Christ in the same way that I enjoy stories of the Greek/Roman deities. I don't have to believe it's true to have fun with it. Without having done much research on the subject (yet) I do believe in the existence of Jesus, just not his divinity. I respect and agree with many of his teachings. Not believing in God does not preclude celebrating the man.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Athiest celebrate it but don't believe in it. Next question.

  • LeeT

    I don't bother with Christmas myself. I have sent and expect to receive no presents and have no decorations up. I simply see no need to bother, it's too much hassle. That is merely a personal preference and I'm happy to let others do what they will. I will watch a little TV for a change and go hunt down some bargain food when the shops reopen on 27th December. Honestly, turkeys are so cheap just after Christmas.

    I think most atheists see Christmas as a good excuse to take time off work, get drunk, stuff themselves with food, and take pleasure in the giving and receipt of presents. They don't really engage with the religious side of it. They enjoy it, it harms nobody..everybody is happy.

    I did pause to reflect a little for a few minutes on events during the last 6 months/1 year on the afternoon of the winter solstice (17.47hrs here in UK this year). It's a nice thought that the days will be getting longer as we head towards summer. By this time of year I'm looking forward to more daylight.

  • believingxjw


    I hope you don't think I'm picking on you. It's just that if we are going to say we know better than JWs and have more moral fiber than the GB then it seems to me I should put my money where my mouth is.

    Just an opinion, that's all.

    I wish you and all here a very happy holiday with family and friends.

    May God be with us all.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I hope you don't think I'm picking on you. It's just that if we are going to say we know better than JWs and have more moral fiber than the GB then it seems to me I should put my money where my mouth is.

    You've yet to demonstrate that atheists are not putting their money where their mouth is.

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