Are the Dubbers still preaching the end is very close?

by dogon 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    EndofMysteries, things are better now than they've ever been. Anecdotally, things are horrible because bad news is what sells. In reality, poverty, disease, hunger, crime are all down. While the US comes back down to earth economically (we think we're suffering when we can't afford premium cable TV anymore), many other parts of the world are eating regularly for the first time ever, getting actual health care for the first time ever, not having to steal to stay alive for the first time ever.

    It is important that we look beyond the news media and beyond the borders of our own nation. There are problems in the world, sure, but things, and especially people, aren't as bad and evil as religious folks would have us believe.

  • thetrueone

    EOM I think you need to study some REAL human history and put down the Awake and Watchtower magazines.

    You eluded to violence as one of the signs as being greater than ever before ... BULLSHIT

    If you study human history right back to biblical times as a start, violence was well indentured into those cultures as well,

    following right up to the dark ages and medieval times. Wars were prevalent as well as social unrest.

    As far as violence in inter-family relationships, remember the story of Cain and Abel, just as one example.

    Homosexuality has been around since man gathered in tribes, thousand of years ago, the difference to be noted on this is that the

    human population has grown enormously since then hence so has homosexual activity in modern societies. .... BULLSHIT

    Personally I find it a genetic disorder that a individual is born with, therefore it shouldn't be considered a sin.

    Weather extremes and natural disasters , weather extremes are a natural occurrence, there is nothing to be said that 2000 years ago

    everything was calm and serene, there are accurate documentation that there were floods and extreme weather patterns in ancient times. ..... BULLSHIT

    Natural disasters , this one is too easy, there is clear evidence that very large natural disasters have occurred in the past, such earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,

    large meteorites hitting the earth and so on . The only difference from the past to are modern times is the earth is now heavily populated by humans and we

    now have the technical capabilities to acknowledge these events and their devastating aspects toward mankind . so again .... BULLSHIT

    Where did you get those statistics on the divorce rate, a Watchtower magazine ?

    True the divorce rate have risen but this might very well because people are leaving relationships for which they no longer contain any happiness.

    The divorce rate is equally high within the JWS as well for the very same reason as non-JWS

    You really have got to stop educating your through a fear mongering publishing company and get some honest and real education.

    The WTS and other religious based organization gain support by exploiting peoples fears and ignorances and this how they gain their financial support.

    Exploiting the belief in bible to further on exploit people who might come in contact to them is how they operate, it sustains themselves and brings them

    power which they most likely would never have obtained, in fact there are many religious organizations just like them. If you do not accept this your doing

    yourself a disservice and they will truly have control over you and your intellect.

  • skeeter1

    I had a conversation with a plain vanilla Christian lady (not JW).

    We were talking about the JWs, and she said, "Yes, but all of Christianity is talking about this might be the last days...."

    Skeeter, "Yeah, but regular Christians aren't altering their life as JWs do. Your church isn't saying to not go to college..."

    Then, she understood the JW fevorish lectures.

  • lepermessiah

    EOM - Those events have been around for a long we just here about more and more of them because of the media and technology.

    Did you know about the worst school disaster in US History?

    It was the Bath School disaster in Bath Michigan in 1927 - like 49 people died and 58 wounded.

    For the longest time, it was the worst act of terrorism/mass murder on US soil.

    If you want to read of the arguably worst example of human behavior, read a book about the Nazi's. They were total butchers with no regard for human life. They went well beyond the boundaries of warfare. That was 65 years ago..........

    Yes, things are bad, but actually we have come a long way.

    One of my heroes is Jackie Robinson, who was the first black man to play pro baseball in the USA. I think he died an early death due to the enormous stress and bigotry he endured, along with many other black folks in the USA.... Now we have a black President. Even 10 years ago, most people would have thought that to be unthinkable.

    There are some positives to dwell on too!

  • AnnOMaly

    km 10/08 p. 1 par. 9 New Congregation Meeting Schedule

    We rejoice in this significant change of our congregation meetings. May we all keep on availing ourselves of the guidance that "the faithful and discreet slave" provides and stay close to our Great Shepherd as he prepares us for the great "tribulation" now on the horizon. -Matt. 24:21, 45; Heb. 13:20, 21; Rev. 7:14.

    It's that close, they can see it about 3 miles away next to Armageddon:

    w91 4/1 p. 11 par. 13 Now Is the Time to Seek Jehovah

    We know which way world events are moving, and Armageddon looms on the horizon.

    Although, the tribulation and Armageddon have been sat on the horizon billowing storm clouds for a while now:

    w84 7/15 p. 17 par. 10 Build Your Future With Jehovah's Organization

    With the storm clouds of the "great tribulation" already forming on the horizon ...

    w69 3/1 p. 137 par. 2 Laying a Foundation for the Right Kind of Ministers

    Not just the impending storm of Armageddon that is hovering on the world's horizon ...

  • EndofMysteries

    LatinxJW - those things you mentioned are casualites of disasters. Do YOU realize that 11 million children die each YEAR from starvation? That OUTNUMBERS all the deaths of WW2, if you take 11million a year vs WW2 = 77,000,000 in the same years took WW2 for 60,000,000. It's like having WW2 UNENDING!!

    But I was not going on 'numbers', I was going on a decline in moral, mindset, in human nature itself.

    Numbers can be played with and made to look like anything, depending how they are twisted. To look more or less, yet society as a whole, how people act, etc, is harder to mess with.

  • EndofMysteries

    thetrueone - it's not that there are 'more' homosexuals, its that vs what it really is, it's being accepted and taught as normal and something to be happy and proud about, wide out in the open. In the past 2,000 years then you note any country or civilization that had such openess and public acceptance of it? Even OUR LAWS could put MARRIED couples in jail for sodomy in the USA, so a heterosexual relationship very recently let alone public opinon but government could equal jail time. I can't paste a link here, but just look up sodomy law usa or wiki. Until 2003 many states still had jail and fines, even though rarely enforced and whether a married couple or not.

    If you don't see it you don't, but people today have changed from people in the 80/s and early 90's.

  • Larsinger58

    Well, interpretation is everything.

    It's not QUITE the same now since 1947. You see, when the Jews were talking about the "end of the system of things" they were focussed on the current system of things they were to be under until the END of the gentile times, or the END of the "appointed times of the nations." They were not talking about Armageddon.

    There was a prescribed time for the "end" of the gentile times and just before that a great tribulation would occur against their people. You see, God told them if they disobeyed the covenant that he would send them off their land and into exile and send a sword after them. The grand culimination of that would be this "great tribulation" that had never happened before nor would happen again. Then right after that, God would show them mercy and blessing and reestablish them as a great nation again on their own homeland.

    So basically, the "end" occurred in 1947. The "great tribulation" Matthew is speaking of that would come before the State of Israel was restored was none other than the Holocaust.

    So technically, the "end" has already come and gone and the Bible's prophecy about that has come true.

    Setting that aside, the "end" the world now looks forward to is Armageddon, the end of the current world that they know. Yep, that's still to come until it comes. But the "end" of Matthew already came in 1947.

    So much for not understanding the Bible very well.


  • Larsinger58

    One of the problems is also intellectuality.

    For instance, those who understand that the four beasts of Daniel are concurrent and not successive, can match the fulfillment to things going on right now. But it is interesting that even though the fourth beast listed dies before the other three, many will still think in their own minds that these are ancient world powers! But how can you have four beasts where the 4th mentioned is killed before the other three and they are given "a time and a season" to live after giving up their rulerships, thus clearly they were all ruling while the 4th beast was ruling? !!

    But try to explain to some people that these beasts are concurrent and not world powers and it is like pulling teeth. They just don't get it and won't. The WTS, allegedly smarter than most teaches the same thing. They see the 4th beast killed before the other three which survive and STILL think these are successive world powers. It doesn't occur to them that if these were successive world powers, one would replace the other and there would be interaction between the two, like the he-goat that kills the ram.

    But as I said, allegedly very smart people, if they put it in their minds that something that doesn't make sense can still make sense, then it is useless trying to convince them of anything.

    So on one hand, you have the elect who are seeing lots of Bible prophecies and chronology being fulfilled now, especially after 1947 and another group that is in total darkness thinking nothing has been fulfilled and the Bible is just a book of myths. They refuse to see and will even ague with you when they are as wrong and ignorant of reality as they can be.

    It's just amazing.

    Well, I guess everyone has their own subjective experience and it would seem that God chooses whom he wishes to enlighten and leaves the others to enjoy their darkness.


  • Larsinger58

    Finally, getting back to interpretation, it does turn out that the "temple" would go out of existence for 2300 evenings and mornings, meaning for 1150 years out of the 1260 years ending in 1996. But for the last 110 years the "temple in its right condition" would occur, and that would be a Christian sect, much like the tribe of Levi, set aside for "temple" work, and that temple sect is, indeed, Jehovah's witnesses.

    So the preaching of the good news before the "end" comes was fulfilled. The end occurred in 1947 and by then JWs were an international organization. That is confirmed because then president NH Knorr did an around-the-globe speaking engagement, just to underscore the prophecy was fulfilled. And then the "end" came. The end of the gentile times. The Jews were again out of exile and restored to their promised land on November 30, 1947.

    Even so, the WTS is also the apostate sect, the sect that produces the Man of Lawlessness which sits down in God's own house, his own temple, namely within the JW cult of anointed ones, who are called "gods." But try and convince some XJWs that the WTS actually is fulfilling all the prophecies and they can't see it. So they think the Bible isn't being fulfilled, but it really is. It is! They are just blinded to it.

    But it doesn't matter. Soon the RAS will occur (reverse atheist syndrome) when the supernatural events begin to occur worldwide, like Armageddon, which will then be the all-too-obvious confirmation the Bible is true. But it will be like Noah's day. You see, when it started to rain, everybody was a believer! But it didn't save them. Same at Armageddon. Many doubters will gladly admit the Bible is true and God is real, but it won't save them. They'll just know beforehand that they were wrong.


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