Honestly, Do You Judge Someone Because Of Their Color Or Nationality?

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Are y'all talking about me?

    You're black, snowbird? I didn't know.

  • snowbird

    You're a meanie, Keyser.


  • minimus

    I was in in NYC's Spanish Harlem one day. I got lost. It was in the early 1980's. We drove a bit further and got into Harlem. In those areas, everyone stared at us with a look like, what are YOU doing in this part of town? I must admit, we were fearful. Now our fear doesn't necessarily suggest prejudice on our parts but clearly we were different and it was tense.

  • snowbird
    In those areas, everyone stared at us with a look like, what are YOU doing in this part of town? I must admit, we were fearful.

    Same here when I visit an all-White area.


  • beksbks
    Are y'all talking about me?

    Sylvia! You're a Southerner?

  • tenyearsafter

    I am with Outlaw...Planet Idiot qualifies for my judgement list!!

    I would never allow color or national origin be an excuse for stupidity!

  • JeffT

    I don't judge people until I know them for awhile.

    Unless they're from California.

  • mrsjones5

    "In those areas, everyone stared at us with a look like, what are YOU doing in this part of town? I must admit, we were fearful.

    Same here when I visit an all-White area. "

    I feel the same way when I'm in the hood. No really, I'm not playing. I become very uncomfortable when I have to go to those areas.

  • beksbks
    Unless they're from California.

    Yea, that's all the info you need to know that they are highly intelligent, forward thinking, culinarily creative..................

  • minimus

    MrsJ, I think that fear is not because of racial bias.

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