Honestly, Do You Judge Someone Because Of Their Color Or Nationality?

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Snowbird, I'll leave that up 2 u.

  • snowbird

    But, I'm not a brother!

    Only brothers can give counsel.


    Disclaimer: I was only kidding, Truthseekeriam. I do the same thing.

  • palmtree67

    Ok, I will tell you about an elder we had. He was black, wife was white, 4 kids. His 2 daughters were stunningly gorgeous and my daughter was about 4 years old at the time we knew them.

    My daughter used to say, "Mommy, when I grow up I hope I look like Rebecca." ( His older daughter. ) My daughter was also into Barbies at the time, and she wanted a Barbie that looked like Rebecca. I shopped all over town for a Barbie that looked like Rebecca (....couldn't find one, had to special order one in....decided to order the black Ken, as well....)

    Well, one night after the bookstudy, my daughters black Barbies were sitting on the stairs and this elder HAD A FIT!!!!! He couldn't understand why I would let her have a black barbie doll, lectured me at great length about how PREDJUDICED I WAS!!!!!

    My daughter also had a pet goldfish, one of the black bubble-eyed ones that she called "Blackie". He asked her one day what her fish's name was and when she told him, he HAD A FIT!!!! Why would we name a fish Blackie???? We were obviously predjudiced!!!! I tried to tell him they named a wolf White Fang and a horse Black Beauty and that it was my daughter's choice to name him that when she was 3 years old......

    I came to the conclusion that this black man was WAAAAYYYYY more predjudiced than anybody I had ever met.

  • minimus

    Palm, interesting! Some people get very touchy with their false perceptions of prejudice. The ones always pointing the prejudice finger are usually the guiltiest themselves!

  • snowbird

    Goodness, Palm! Some Black people are just plain crazy! Sylvia

  • SixofNine
    I came to the conclusion that this black man was WAAAAYYYYY more predjudiced than anybody I had ever met.

    Maybe, but judging from that story, he's also just.plain.stupid.

    Personally, I just want everyone to know that I'm less racist than you are. Especially you, Minimus.

  • minimus

    Thanks Sixy.

  • SixofNine

    You're welcome. Now this guy, I'm not so sure about:

    Like Hell I'm Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis

    By Dan Laird
    November 24, 2009 | Issue 45•48

    Related Articles

    I take pride in who I am. Always have, always will. I've worked hard my whole life and have never taken anyone's charity, and I'm not about to start now, no matter what. I'm telling you, there's no way I'm going to sit back and let some black president of the United States try to devise a structure to help me pay for the dialysis treatment I so desperately need to survive.

    Not over my dead body.

    Just who does this Afro-American occupant of the highest office in the land think he is, anyway? Look, I've got nothing against black people, but some of them act like the whole world owes them something. For example, important government subsidies on my dialysis.

    You know, I don't recall asking for some black commander in chief to embrace protections that would prohibit insurance companies from dropping my coverage on a whim and operating as if my continued existence on earth were nothing more than a strategic liability. Plus, if I go along with this progressive health-benefits scheme, he'll probably hold it over my head every time I receive vital care with the aid of the government to which I already pay taxes.

    Sorry. I've got too much self-respect for that.

    Obama needs to know that there's still one American willing to watch his body drown in its own deadly internal toxins rather than have long-overdue reform crammed down his throat.

    Fact is, nobody wants some too-big-for-his-britches black president butting in to suggest that everyone, including me, needs to be treated with dignity. Yet this Obama thinks he can just waltz in and and tinker with a health care system that destroys people like myself every single day.

    Can you imagine what'd it be like if he weren't just half black?

    Seriously, when Obama's done drumming up support for legislation that might allow me to see my daughter graduate from college and prevent me from dying before my 50th birthday, what's next on the agenda? Will he try to keep my life's savings from evaporating in a stock market that operates free of serious governmental oversight? Is there any aspect of capitalism run amok that this guy won't tamper with? Really, Obama, thanks but no thanks. The last person I need help from is some black leader of the federal government in a position to perhaps improve my quality of life.

    The worst part is that I'll have to put up with this guy being a black president for at least three more years. I guess all I can do is try to hold out for the 2012 election. Maybe then we'll get a white president back in office. Maybe he'll have the common decency to let me suffer in peace.

  • palmtree67

    Maybe he was the victim of terrible predjudice in the past and was super-sensitive to it afterwards.

    All I can say is that from what I knew of him, he was ODD in alot of ways. Odd people aren't that way because of skin color.

    On the other hand, my best friend is from Ghana and I love her to bits! And the doc I work for is from Nigeria and is the best boss I've ever had!!

  • DJK

    If I don't like someone it's not because of their skin color or religion, it's about what they do.

    Well said and true. People of poor quality come in all styles.

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