Ray Franz Views of "Information Control" by WT Society Agree with Hassan

by flipper 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Any lurkers here I implore you PLEASE read Ray Franz and Stven Hassan, learn what the GB is doing to you and get the hell out of there ASAP.

  • leavingwt
    Any lurkers here I implore you PLEASE read Ray Franz and Stven Hassan, learn what the GB is doing to you and get the hell out of there ASAP.

  • flipper

    BABA YAGA- Quarantining was definitely a good adjective used by Ray Franz in describing what happens to DFed witnesses. They treat such ones like they have a disease and are contagious to other witnesses. In my opinion the REALLY diseased ones are the leaders of the WT and the elders.

    HAPPY GUY- True Franz was at the top of this organization for years. But he himself was no doubt mind controlled for years by the scam of the WT society and understand he had doubts for years but was fearful of coming forward with those doubts because it would cost him his family , position, and his friendships. If you read " Crisis of Conscience " it's obvious this man is humble and has no agenda other than revealing truths to people that most witnesses are not aware of. Have you read the book ? If not, do yourself a favor and read it and inform yourself - then you may be able to give a more informed opinion.

    THE ALMIGHTY HOMER- I agree with you - I think a lot of people are onto the scam of the WT society nowadays and are becoming aware of all that is involved in the dangers of cult mind control. Even many witnesses are exiting I believe at a rate never before seen since post 1975 . Also very true what you say- many times we have to research and look deeply into things in organizations like the witnesses and WT society - and often it's not a pretty picture what we discover. But I believe it'd better to be informed than to get burned.

    DGP- I agree with a lot of what you say. We really have to admire the courage of Ray Franz for speaking out about things he believed in as many in his position will rarely if ever DO THAT ! I mean, Barbara Anderson is of that same mold - being willing to stand up for what is truthful and right- in spite of difficult odds of the information ever being received in a positive way by the WT society. I admire the hell out of people like that. I believe in speaking up and revealing information not restricting it.

    YESIDID- I really doubt if Happy Guy has read any of Ray Franz's writings. I think he needs to.

    CANTLEAVE- I wholeheartedly agree with your recommendations for lurkers and newbies to read Ray Franz and Steve Hassan's books. It will educate them and help them to deal with the deep issues of HOW they were entrapped by cult mind control in the first place. Good advice.

    LEAVING WT - Yes, I concur bro. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this one up if some had not read it and wanted to comment. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • HappyGuy

    All I'm saying is that some people put a lot of stock in everything this Franz character says when he was part of a conspiracy for many years, a conspiracy which controls people through lies.

    NOW he claims that we can believe what he says.

    I'm not claiming to be an expert on Franz I'm just skeptical that someone who was part of the conspiracy for so long can now be trusted to be telling the truth just because he says so.

  • HappyGuy

    Happy Guy, were you a Witness? Did you believe it to be true when you were immersed in it?

    Big difference between being one of the brainwashed and Franz being one of the ones doing the brainwashing.

  • BabaYaga

    Do you not believe that some of the Governing Body really believe what they have been taught, and really believe what they have aspired to become?

    There are ex-JW's on this board.

    There are ex-Ministerial Servants on this board.

    There are ex-Elders on this board (actually, I believe there are a few who are active. Yes, this is true.)

    There are ex-Bethelites on this board (and plenty of them! Thank you all for being here!)

    There are ex-Presiding Overseers and ex-Circuit Overseers on this board.

    At what point do you personally draw the line, Happy Guy? Who is responsible for your cult experience? How far up the ranks does a "Brother" have to go until you consider him to be completely without redemption?

  • flipper

    HAPPY GUY- You are certainly welcome to your opinion. But have you read Franz's books ? Perhaps it will enlighten you to some facts you were not aware of. Give the guys books a chance before you start passing judgment. Otherwise you are just commenting randomly without informing yourself . I mean, reason on it - this guy lost everything he had, friends, family in order to inform the public about what really goes on behind closed doors at the WT society. What possible benefit could he have received to make all that abuse worthwhile - unless he really wanted to help people ? Think about it

  • HappyGuy

    At what point do you personally draw the line, Happy Guy? Who is responsible for your cult experience? How far up the ranks does a "Brother" have to go until you consider him to be completely without redemption?


    I thought I made myself pretty clear. Franz was a member of the body which orchestrates the brain washing. I am skeptical that what he says now is the truth because he willingly told lies for so long.

    I am responsible for my own cult experience, not that it is any of your damm business. I didn't say I was blaming anyone, so don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say Franz was "without redemption". I said I don't trust him just because he says so.

    I don't know what you are talking about with this "up the ranks" business. I have said nothing about anyone else.

    You are twisting what I said to make it look like I have accused everyone on this board and I didn't say that. You are being dishonest to make me look bad because you disagree with my point of view. That's fine, I'm a big boy, I can take it.

  • Heaven

    It's quite interesting and actually kind of humourous when my father comes to visit me and I have some of my 'worldly' magazines or books on the table. The look on his face is one of high suspicion... for a while. Once he actually looks at them, he sees there's nothing wrong with them. The funny thing is, he has never found anything that fits the bill about what the WTS preaches to their people about my 'worldly' material.

    After getting educated on what mind control is, how it is executed, and what actually goes on with baptized JWs, I have to agree that the WTS/JWs are a destructive religious cult. I can now complete the picture as to what has transpired in my family over the years since my parents decided to dedicate themselves as JWs.

    As for Ray Franz, as well as Steven Hassan, I am very thankful that they wrote their books. They have helped to educate me as well as confirm many of my suspicions about the WTS. Ray Franz verified for me that what I had experienced in my involvement with JWs was not an isolated occurrence.

    I will never join this organization.

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