Ray Franz Views of "Information Control" by WT Society Agree with Hassan

by flipper 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    HAPPY GUY- That was a great story by you . Thanks for sharing a little bit of you with us. It was not a lame attempt in the least ! Very well done ! It helps me understand you more fully. I'm glad you were able to make peace with your dad before he died. I do hope you have been able to connect more fully with non-witness relatives. I went through a divorce with my then JW wife of 19 years back in 1998 - and my 2 older daughters stayed in the witnesses while my older son, their brother and myself went away from the witnesses. As you said - it is a very stressful experience to go through. I empathize completely. My hope for you is that you do find the real happiness you are looking for also. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • llbh

    I have also read Ed Hussein's book The Islamist, as well as COC, the crossovers are many. It seems that the more extreme forms of Islam have a similar way of operating to the wts. At the heart of it is control, and particularly in terms of a person's time, therefore inhibiting thought, and reflexion.

    They both eschew culture and cultural enquiry, when did we ever see the wts championing culture??.

    I enjoyed Ray Franz's book, it was candid, honest and without rancour. Having said that I do think the point Happy Guy makes about him being right at the very centre of things in the wts was true, he does bear some degree of responsibility, and he does address this in his book. Franz's openness about his personal journey, does go a long way to redressing this imo, particularly as he was at the heart of the wts.

    Regards David

  • HappyGuy


    my non-JW relatives (I refuse to call these loving people "worldly") showered me with love and helped me a great deal. My mom has 13 brothers and sisters and my dad has 14 brothers and sisters, so there are a lot of us. I saw some of them at my mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversary before my dad died and they were like they had just seen me the day before. What religion I was or was not, whether I was still married to my first wife or not, whether my hair was long or not, none of that mattered to them AT ALL.

    My family is pretty awesome.

    The WTBTS is totally wrong in its depiction of non JW people.

  • flipper

    LLBH- Good points you make. Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, the list goes on and on of cults, i.e. religions that use control over their members to inhibit thought and freedoms . True Ray Franz was a part of the governing body and therefore shared some liabitity WHILE HE WAS A MEMBER of the governing body. But in my opinion , just my opinion , what Franz has accomplished since freeing himself from the WT society in 1980 has more than made up for any damage he did while inside. He has proactively assisted others to get free of the WT socities grasp.

    HAPPY GUY- That is really great that you have a good relationship with all your non-JW relatives. Good for you. Sounds like they are a great bunch of people who show you unconditional caring and love. Hope you have lots of good memories with them the rest of your life

  • llbh

    Flipper that was my point, the fact that Franz was at the very heart of the wts gives others an even more credible insight into their workings, thus any feelings of guilt (he may or may or not have) are more than assuaged.


  • flipper

    LLBH- Good point. Franz being at the heart of the WT society and experiencing the inner workings of the GB from the inside gives him a lot more credibility to be believed

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    this is an old topic i just want EVERYONE to read Ray Franz and Steven Hassan's Books!!!!!!!

  • oppostate

    Ray Franz's CoC in Spanish is now out in
    PDF format for download from Commentary

    I was just notified and it started me thinking...

    Is Steve Hassan's book also translated into 
    Spanish? Do you think it would be worthwhile
    to suggest a Spanish translation of this and 
    other important books for JWs, considering
    most of the growth these days is in Spanish
    speaking congregations.
  • blondie
  • flipper

    Saw this thread got bumped up- so thought I'd comment.

    FOUND SHEEP- I agree - every ex-Jehovah's Witness owes it to themself to read Ray Franz and Steve Hassan's books. For sure.

    OPPOSTATE- I believe EVERY language should have access to Ray Franz and Steve Hassan's books. It will assist many different language groups to break free from mind control.

    BLONDIE- Thanks for the link to Hassan's site

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