Climate Change The New Catalyst For Globalists/Communist Utopia

by Perry 372 Replies latest members politics

  • llbh

    How much do you know about van Rampuy? Most, including me, had never heard of him. Do you know anything of the Lisbon Treaty to which he alludes Do you know anything about European Law, most in the UK ( including the press) do not, and feed on anti - European drivel by people who know little if anything, but are fed titbits by the avowedly anti - European press, of which the Murdoch stable of titles is the most noticeable? He owns Fox news in the US I think.

    When I point the benefits that European Law has conferred upon Brits they are surprised and amazed.

    Can I suggest Perry before you comment about things it would enhance your reputation, and be helpful, if you did some research first. And before you I reflexively think I disagree with you about everything, i do not.

    I feel I am done think here now.

    Regards David

  • AllTimeJeff

    This is a political statement of Perry's to show a difference between how his side views things vs those of us "globalists".

    Perry, you made a lot more sense when you just stuck to religion. At least you had a bible to quote from.

    I agree that sometimes, the global warming concerns seem to be overstated by some. But there is clear clear evidence that we are harming our planet. Besty's chart is from a neutral source. We can't ignore that.

    Anyway, there is nothing wrong with reducing carbon emissions and coming up with more advanced, greener technologies to replace dirty fossil fuels. Who can argue against this? It's nonsensical.

  • besty

    Irrationality knows no field of knowledge it cannot pollute.

  • bohm

    its those darn homosexuals again - they never give us a break!

    There can really only be two options: is globalism an invention of the homosexuals to destroy the usa, or is homosexuality an invention of globalism to destroy usa.

  • AllTimeJeff
    There can really only be two options: is globalism an invention of the homosexuals to destroy the usa, or is homosexuality an invention of globalism to destroy usa.


  • designs

    Does Perry's Hell contribute to global warming or does it use a clean burning fuel........

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    There can really only be two options: is globalism an invention of the homosexuals to destroy the usa, or is homosexuality an invention of globalism to destroy usa.

    Or is homosexuality an invention of the USA to destroy globalism?

  • bohm

    Perry wrote: Read Rules for Radicals if you want to understand their play-book. Ridicule is the weapon of choice.

    well, you arent exactly making their job hard!

  • Satanus

    'The globalist plan for world government - the elimination of national sovereignty, ie the destruction of the United States of America'

    Yabbut, don't you fear, mistrust and hate the american govt?

    'is also furthered by other agendas designed to blur the line between church and state ie. homosexual marriage, abortion. etc.'

    Yabbut, don't you want christian rule and laws to govern the country? In or to keep homosexuality from running rampant from the atlantic to the pacific, from commie canader to beaner mexico?


  • llbh

    Just noticed typos sorry!! BTW I do not with Global Warming, do you guys know the amount of rain that we are having here ! JOKE well almost

    I am moving to socialist state of California


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