Kelle Jarka

by isaacaustin 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Homer with a tyvek suit he would have no need to wash anything. They are very light weight (like paper) and you have booties to cover your shoes, gloves on your hands and a light weight mask covering your face with possibly a pair of safely glasses.

    you turn it inside out as you take it off and nothing gets on your skin, period, there is nothing to wash off. Then the whole disposable mess will fit in a small bag an he can literally toss it and the weapon in any number of places. They will burn up very quickly.

    I have used these suits before, you can paint an intire house with your finest clothes on, the tyvek will keep you and all your clothes spotless.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Thanks for the info aSphere, both interest and sick.

    It really wasn't mentioned what he actual did for a living at least I never caught anything.

  • isaacaustin

    designs said: Actually quite happy and involved in productive programs of all sorts- humanitarian and environmental, and a good family.

    my reply: well well then, your mother must be so proud of you!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have seen the 20/20 report and I agree that all the evidence is circumstantial. He probably did wear a tyvek suit or similarly was covered and tossed the bloody stuff, possibly burning them. He probably did remove the computer earlier with his wife's knowledge, but had to toss the house after the murder (or after the first blow, then finish her off later).

    As far as the congregation goes, it may be that they haven't DF'ed him, but I cannot imagine a WTS that doesn't instruct the locals to throw him under the bus somehow.

  • blondie

    On a related note, how the WTS views turning in murderers:

    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NEW YORK 11201, USA PHONE (718) 825-3600
    SCH:SSK December 24, 1992

    Dear Brothers:

    We received your letter of December 17 in which you inquire about handling a situation involving a brother who has been guilty of serious violations of the law in the past. You explained that you have received information indicating that this brother “committed several murders and crimes before his baptism.” You ask if “Florida law obligates some action on our part. Florida law enforcement authorities have no knowledge of this matter.”

    As elders, you have no obligation to reveal information of this type to the authorities. Any information that you have obtained while fulfilling you duties as elders is strictly confidential. What he does about paying his debt to Society is largely up to him and his conscience. Since he is apparently a fugitive from the law, he obviously would not qualify for any extra privileges of service in the congregation.

    You stat that you have “one report of his smoking marijuana with his co-workers which may have been after his baptism.” We assume that is the reason that you feel a need to meet with him. Since he is a dedicated brother and he is presently attending the meetings, there is a need to investigate to determine if some type of congregation action is necessary. Likely the best approach is to arrange for two elders to talk with him informally to make some discreet inquiries about his current conduct. If there appears to b substantial evidence for serious wrongdoing, then a committee should be formed to hear the case.

    As we believe you understand, it is imperative that the elders maintain strict confidentiality about his past. If the elders inadvertently reveal his past wrongdoing, undoubtedly it will result in major repercussions to him and his wife. So, handling this case calls for good judgment and discernment. We trust you brothers can handle things appropriately. Write to us again if you need further direction.

    We pray Jehovah’s direction as you endeavor to fulfill your weighty responsibilities as shepherds of the flock. We send or warm Christian Love,

    Your brothers,

    Watchtower B & T Society


  • Stealth

    Interesting comment frome someone who knew this man on the 20/20 blog from the ABC site.

    Known then for 20 years. Isabelle WAS upset with him because he had withheld the truth from her. I know for a fact he was leaving. He'd been offered a job to manage the building of a resort and had accepted it and was taking a friend with him. The talk amongst those that actually knew them was whether Isabelle would really leave everything and go raise her kids in Mexico. Most doubted she really would. He was at a financial point of no recovery even though they were only just starting to get behind there were no prospects that would maintain what he had especially when it wasn't worth what he owed. My son worked for him and I made him quit because of Kelle's dishonest business practices. Then he tried to get revenge by trying to damage my business. I knew a different Kelle, obviously. Posted by:
    BadluckCharlie Nov-23

  • Mary

    You gotta love the quotes from the letter Blondie posted. Is there a murderer in your Hall? Don't bother reporting him to the authorities or take judicial action. Is someone in your congregation smoking pot? By all means call a 3-man kangaroo court and kick him out.

    As for Kelle Jarka, I think it was probably a number of factors that brought him to the decision to murder his wife:

    1. He and his family lived far beyond their means and were facing financial ruin. For some people, the "showy display of ones means of life" ranks pretty high on the list of what's important to them, and they will do anything to keep the life-style to which they've become accustomed.
    2. Financial problems invariably leads to marital discord. The number one thing that married couples fight about is money.
    3. If Isabelle was thinking of leaving him, he would be forced to step down as an elder. Plus he'd have to pay her child support and alimony which would add to an already overstretched budget. The fact that an elder was there the night before till 4:00 am says that there was the very real possibility that she was going to leave him. If she did, not only would Kelle have to step down as an elder, it would mean that he would have to go the rest of his life without sex because he wouldn't have scriptural grounds to get re-married ( unless Isabelle committed adultery)----not a very nice prospect for a man of 39. Plus there's the whole social stigma amongst Witnesses who get divorced----you're viewed as a 'lesser' person. For someone who had enjoyed the prominence that Kelle had, this would be a horrifying prospect.
    4. He most likely already had his eye on another sister in the congregation. This might be speculation, but the google search he did asking how long should someone wait before remarrying after the death of a spouse indicates that he already had someone else in mind.
    5. As a widower, he'd get a LOT of sympathy from the congregation, he'd be financially set and would be able to pay off all his debts and still have lots of money to support the lifestyle he enjoyed so much. And he'd be able to keep his position as an elder. Plus, he could have his pick of a younger wife.

    So to his way of thinking, there were numerous advantages to getting rid of his wife and no real disadvantages. Unless of course, you get caught.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    You've established an accurate motive Mary, a splintering marriage, financial ruin or desperation, the possibility

    to move to Mexico and forget the whole thing with a new life and of course all the sincere empathy from fellow members of his congregation,

    perhaps a younger woman that caught his eye in the hall also.

    I mentioned in a previous post how certain husbands respond emotionally and psychologically

    prior to a new born and shortly after, such as the lack of intimate sexual contact and attention, removed and placed instead on to the new born.

    This may have added to the situation, including not mention that he could have blamed her for the unplanned pregnancy.

  • JWoods

    The financial & insurance situation, the other woman, the weird middle of the night elder visit, the daughter's testimony - all very bad news for the husband. BUT -

    The one thing that absolutely convinces me about this murder was the pure simple brutality of it. This is too "up close and personal" for some random burglery.

    In the absense of some credible alternative suspect (with a suitable axe to grind) - we are pretty much left with the guy who had MOTIVE & OPPORTUNITY.

    In this, the case is not that much unlike the O.J. Simpson or the Scott Petersen.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    This situation may be indirectly caused somewhat by the economic recession.

    Prior to the recession many folks such as the Jarka's were living a pretty good upscale luxury lifestyle.

    Businesses were highly profitable, people to their fault got overly confident that it would all continue, so the bought

    high end luxury items with loans that they thought they wouldn't have no problem paying them off.

    Then bang suddenly the bottom of the economy fell out, people bought all of these luxuries on loans,

    their homes, cars, boats, credit cards all surmounted to huge debt base that now was almost impossible to keep up with.

    The other bad part was even if the people were to sell off these items they were now at a much lesser value monetarily ,

    since many other of the population were in the same predicament.

    There are many that are going through or have gone through the same predicament as the Jarka's, not just in the US

    but all over the world, its just very unfortunate that Kelle Jarka tried to resolve his predicament in the way he did.

    This story is very similar to a couple I've known for a very long time, same age as the Jarkas too.

    Bought a luxury home, cars, expensive vacations etc.

    When the recession hit they couldn't keep up the payments on all that they acquired, they had to finally go into bankruptcy.

    The luxury home got sold, cars and so on. Due mostly to all this financial stress the marriage fell apart and they finally got divorced.

    He was MS in their hall and she was a temporary pioneer, both were born in JWS.

    They had been married for 25 years.

    I was the best man at their wedding.

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