Kelle Jarka

by isaacaustin 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • BabaYaga

    Undercover said:

    He gave the example of a brother who was charged with possession of stolen goods. He posed the question, "What should be done by the elder body?" After several elders said that a JC meeting would be in order or at least elders meeting in private with the accused individual, the CO set them all straight. He said that they were to do nothing. If the brother denied wrongdoing and there were no witnesses, then there wasn't anything for them to do. Even if the police found the stolen loot, charged him and the courts found him guilty. Part of the discussion was about comparing God's law vs. man's law. Some things against man's law is not specifically spelled out in the Bible so the elders are limited in what they can do. Another part of the discussion was that the elders are not part of the legal system. They uphold God's law in the congregation only, as a sin affects the congregation. The two witness rule applies in the congregation where it does not in man's legal system.

    Wow. It becomes ever clearer how mightily beneficial LYING is within the organization.

  • undercover


    Yea, if one is a pathological liar, one can go far in the JW faith. That's why the JW religion has such a problem with pedophiles. They can operate and then lie their way out of being held accountable.

    The principle behind their two witness keep people in fear and guilt of Jehovah knowing and judging you, not the elders or the congregation works only with those who accept the premise of the principle. JWs that accept that belief/principle are usually pretty quick to admit the errors/sins/crimes. But the criminal types and sexual predators have no problem lying to cover over their crime.

    I've seen more than a few con artists work their way through the congregations. They tell a good story, they garner sympathy and con the clueless dubs to help with their tales of woe. No one checks them out. A fellow worshipper of Jehovah would never lie, steal or cheat. Then if/when they're exposed everyone is shocked and hurt. But they don't learn anything from it. Pretty soon they forget about it and in moves another con artist and it starts all over again. Often times, even if they're caught they just move on to another congregation far away and start over.

    Take Jarka, for instance. Let's say, for argument's sake, that he is guilty. By maintaining his innocence, he can still stay in the good graces of the congregation, even while he's serving time in jail. Once he's out, if ever, then he's got a ready made family all ready to accept him back in the fold. To where he can operate as a pathological liar and crook once again. The outside world will never trust him, but them dubbies, they'll not think twice about having him back.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The pure white sheet of righteousness that the JWS religion offers gets utilized often by some very disingenuous inwardly corrupt people.

    It makes a great social environment for pedophiles, wife and child abusers, corrupt insincere business ventures, adulterers,

    apathetic and disrespectful relations within family relationships and with non-family relationships.

    The list is long but as long one can can get that easy redemption, irresponsibility and dishonesty will flourish.

    In a lot of ways this behavior mimics the WTS. in itself in how is operates and conducts itself.....highlight disingenuous !

  • cameo-d

    Sounds to me like Designs has a valid point; actually several of them.

    Is it a cult trait that dubs have block out all info, even true facts, that contradict what they want to believe?

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    JWS are programed to uphold the organization and its appearance to the public at all costs even to the point of lying,

    based on this premise you can expect embellishment of half truths.

    The observation of people supporting their fellow brothers and sisters is sickening to watch and take in,

    especially when you know exactly what that person is really like.

    But hey thats why many become JWS and stay there to simply cover themselves with righteousness and support by the rest of the congregation.

  • flipper

    After watching 20/20 the other night it was obvious this Kelle Jarka is quite a jerk. I mean , it was interesting his own mother in law immediately suspected he had killed her daughter. Apparently she had seen tendencies for years in this guy and of course was aware of tons of information which none of us were made privy to by watching the news story.

    This guy had been used to always interrogating others as an elder- now that HE was on the hot seat being interrogated he didn't look too comfortable. Yet his callous cool demeanor was certainly not evident of someone whose dear wife had just been murdered. I mean : Come on , who text messages friends while being interviewed if you murdered your wife or not ? Ridiculous. Hope he rots in prison and his eyes get picked out by maggots and leeches

  • designs

    Thanks cameo-d,.........let's celebrate our new journey.

  • cameo-d

    Designs: Thanks cameo-d,.........let's celebrate our new journey.

    There is nothing to celebrate. It is all very sad. And if you stay on the path of this journey it just gets darker. And hopeless.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    The little bits of information do tell of a tale of a marriage that had gone sour, why was that JW elder then there trying to patch things up

    and why was he there for so long until very early in the morning. If he pre acknowledged his marriage was in a terrible state weeks prior he could have very

    well planned this whole thing in advance. One thing that worthy of noting is men can get withdrawn emotionally with their spouses when a new born arrives,

    its not just the no sex prior and after the birth its also the emotional connection that weakens. After hours of confrontation with the intervening elder

    and not having a good night sleep, something triggered him in the morning to go on vengeful attack, especially after his wife spent hours exposing his

    faults to that other elder, so he brought down his revenge like Jehovah on a Saturday night. ( Homey speculation )

  • purplesofa

    you know,

    If I were innocent, I would have no problem being on the stand to testify.

    I would want to.


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