Through a Darkened Pane

by compound complex 730 Replies latest social entertainment

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Troubled skies overhead tell a tale: turbulence and chaos attend me like a black dog, heeling when I'd prefer he run off and fetch me some remedy for what ails me. I'm caught up in a swirl of angry clouds that will hurl me back to earth in a shattered heap, along with their unrelenting downpour.

    My vision is no longer so keen. Trees and flowering bushes are vaguely present, by no means complete in form or suit of leaves and needles. It is as though an artist left off all necessary detail in order to attend to something more pressing, like the boiling over of a tea kettle upon a blazing wood stove.

    I think I'll boil up a kettle myself ... ?

  • musky

    Hello CoCo,

    I hope there is a silver lining?

    Have a good evening

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hello, Musky!

    I put the kettle on and an extra cup out ...

    Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you and yours have had a great day. The image above is exactly yesterday's skies. Today, totally blue and cold!

    Take care,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Fool that I am, I venture out today.

    Conditions declare I should stay indoors and prepare for the worst storm of the decade about to unleash. So the meteorologist has opined, based on his rather sophisticated state-of-the-art instrumentation - a new set of darts, just today fired upon the old coot's weather chart. Heaven laughs.

    I will admit that my little cabin - rough hewn of virgin timber by great-grandfather Francois (fur trader and survivalist extraordinaire) - lies in the lap of one of the most forbidding mountain ranges of the Pacific Northwest. These arrogant and unyielding peaks lash out with unmitigated hostility toward any creature daring to enter uninvited into their pristine but deadly embrace. These towers of dark fury produce their own weather (so much for precise weather forecasting by skillfully trained darts). Atmospheric chaos of every sort pummels mercilessly any unfortunate enough to venture through. Man or beast. Of course, the critters have the instinctive sense to seek shelter.

    Innocence of intent by curious bipeds matters not a whit to edifices of dirt and stone whose domain is holy ground.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Musky,

    Hope you've had a good day.

    Closing down shop for the day. No business ...


  • musky

    Hello CoCo,

    What!! no business?

    Well,That's o.k.I appreciate anytime you post your thoughts.I may not be around for a while with the upcoming days being out of the ordinary.I have a lot going on with the family.

    You sound like quite a mountain man.The old T.V. show "Grizzly Adams" comes to mind.

    How about some Folgers?Cause it's mountain grown

    Your picture looks beautiful.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi Musky,

    Thanks for posting. I've been away on a job and will be going back again soon. Just checking in. I hope you enjoy time with your family.

    I usually do buy Folgers, though I'd forgotten about its being mountain grown. All the difference in the world! Mountains are central to my life, thinking ... I've been painting them for 50 years. Now stories to accompany them. Thanks for your acknowledgement.

    Looking forward to when you get back around to these here parts ...


  • ziddina

    Coco, those paintings are fantastic! Are you the artist?? Someone else mentioned them earlier in this thread and frankly I'm being too lazy to go back and find her words... If you're the artist, fantastic work!



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Dear Ziddy, for asking.

    Yes, they are. I hope to resume painting soon and post art relative to future stories. Elizabeth Vincent, in real life, was an artist, and our hometown and her work an inspiration to me ...



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Theresa was ever the quiet and frightened mouse in her domineering mother's presence.

    After the death of her beloved papa, however, Theresa shed the baggage of purposeless servitude to this harpy, she who allowed Mr. Horace Gettleman to die. The town populace of Harrington, in thrall to Mrs. Renata Gettleman, prominent socialite and benefactress, knew only that the dear old gent had succumbed to a massive heart attack. Certainly none had reason to question the coroner's final word on cause of death. Theresa knew otherwise.

    Somewhat recovered from the shock of her father's death but scarcely past the sorrow of losing one so loved, Miss Gettleman discovered, and this quite by chance, that her father's newest and most vital medication was secreted away in a cabinet adjacent the fitted cases in her father's enormous study and library. She would not have been on a deliberate quest for the cached phial of life-saving liquid but for her happening upon it when seeking out a misplaced treasury of favorite poems. These were poems read to her each and every night by her father when Teresa Marie was a little girl.

    Much to her delight, Theresa found the missing book. The happy sigh of discovery, however, was quickly replaced by a gasp of disbelief when she recalled that her father's medicines were ever within his reach ...

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