Through a Darkened Pane

by compound complex 730 Replies latest social entertainment

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Dear Sylvia.

    We missed you on Friday. Since you're back with us, I take that as a good sign, though, as you say, you are in recovery ... at work?!?!?

    Thanks for (1) your mentioning (2) my art. They mean a lot to me (both the art and its significance to me as well as your nice comments).

    I don't know why, but when I wrote about Sally Anne and her Raggedy Dolls a few hours ago, I was thinking of you ... do I have some special knowledge of which I am consciously unaware?

    You are busy; reply at your convenience.

    Much love,


  • snowbird

    Hi, CoCo.

    Yes, I'm at work. Thought I was going to have to leave, but am alright now.

    My boss, God love him, is making quite the fuss over me.

    I think you and I are both fey. My maternal grandmother and mother were.

    Fey: b. Having visionary power; clairvoyant.

    Whenever I read your work, I "read" you!

    Do you understand?

    Peace and much love.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Syl ...


    CoCo of few words

  • snowbird
  • compound complex
    compound complex


    This late afternoon would be a perfect time to remain indoors and curl up in front of the fireplace with a good read. Possessing many a good book but no obvious fireplace, I have to bolt. Cabin fever has gotten the better of me, so I'm going to put on a brave face and raincoat and dash headlong into the blustery and darkening remains of one hour's daylight.

    I surge forward, my frame a near-horizontal incline against the punishing gale. Upon entering an abandoned property, I find shelter under the eaves of the house. They afford little more than minor relief from the rain but virtually none from the wildly circulating winds. I don't mind. I knew what lay ahead the moment I stepped out my own front door.

    Once again my attention is fixed on a Miner's Point now enveloped in a wild and woolly atmospheric condition so different from that of the day before. Undulating foothills and their swaying sentinels roil in a sea of cascading and sprinting vapors. A barely discernible mountain pass bares her jagged shoulder, a distant roadway cradled within sloping walls of earth, stone and tree snakes dangerously skyward.

    I've never before been this soaked to the bone and loved it so.

  • musky

    Hello CoCo,

    I like the use of black at the top of the picture.

    Have a great evening

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Musky!

    Thanks for noticing! It frames it in, bringing the sky to earth.

    It's good "seeing" you again. A student made me a gift of special blend coffee: Dark French Italian Roast. That'll hit the nail on the head

    and keep me buzzing through the night.

    Take care, my friend!


  • snowbird


    Because the painkiller I'm using is extremely efficacious, I was 15 minutes late getting to work this am - quite uncharacteristic, boss is very understanding.

    I like the light in your painting which signifies to me that even though the darkness may come, it will never extinguish completely the light.

    Can you tell I have the Prologue of the Johannine Gospel in mind?

    Peace, my brother.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Syl:

    Give me the efficacy of painkillers when dealing with the likes of my husband, Nathan. You can die from such a man!

    The submissive wife.

    Whoops! Wrong Thread.

    Hope that you're on the mend soon, dear friend!

    In the beginning was ...

    There now, back on track!

    Johannine Scriber

  • snowbird

    In the beginning was ...
    There now, back on track!
    Johannine Scriber

    ROFL despite my sore jaw!

    You're a hot mess, CoCo.


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