What do you want for Christmas???

by babygirl75 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Back on topic...

    What do I want for xmas? Nothing.

    There are lots of things I want, but having grown up without b-days or xmas or other gift-giving holidays, I learned to not expect or overly want anything. If I want something, I usually work to get it. If I can't afford it, then I can't have it.

    Bah humbug, you say? I know, it's not very holiday like of me...but I have found it easier to not get caught up in all the holiday spending hype. I do like the parties and the holiday cheer. I like the lights and the music...I just choose to not get caught up in the mass frenzy of spending.

  • John Doe
  • undercover

    Suggestions for your man, BG...

    Widescreen HD flat panel TV...

    Tools that he's been jonesing for...

    Parts/mods for his favorite toy (motorcycle, hot rod, etc.)

    Equipment for his favorite sport (golf clubs, running shoes, bicycle equip, etc.)

    Things to not get: Ties, socks, underwear, a can of Simonize...

  • snowbird

    Off topic (sorry, again, Baby Girl).

    I wonder about Neil Young's fascination with Alabama.

    I remember him when he was with Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth was an anti-Vietnam-war anthem.

    Maybe because he's Canadian?


  • snowbird

    What does Doe's picture mean?

    He so crazy!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It's something her man would get a lot of use out of Sylvia.

  • babygirl75

    Not sure Sylvia. That is a bit weird with his obsession with Alabama. At least we got Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" song (which is kick ass!)

  • babygirl75

    JD...why would I want to gag my husband? Do you enjoy yours??

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It's for him you dolt!

  • chellechelle

    Money.... money... money... saving for wedding and a car is not easy

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