I need answers to so MANY questions.....

by Confuzzled 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • greenie

    Couple more things:

    1. Total BS that he won't take you to the KH. I've been with mine.

    2. Did I mention women are expected to wear skirts at all meetings/services?

    3. My JW always wants me to talk to someone who can answer my questions too, as he can't and isn't a good JW. Creepy that they all want that.

    Sorry, I should've mentioned GaryNeal too! We all have strikingly similar experiences, and the same feelings about them. We should have our own category on this site.

    Nameless One - thank you for posting! I hope you are doing ok after your six year ordeal.

    GaryNeal - I really enjoyed your long post. Thanks for sharing.

  • Confuzzled

    I'm not buying into it. I can't. I think I am far to rebellious anyway! But I've been w/this person for a year off and on but I have been his friend for six years or there abouts that explains why I haven't met Mom, we weren't exclusive until recently, he only brings "serious" women home to Mama. I think it's odd I couldn't meet her before all this, but wants to shuffle me off to KH with her. She knows about me though, has seen my pictures and I hinks I'm pretty but I suspect she was disappointed I'm white (he's Puerto Rican). I was fine not meeting her though, frankly i like it, I don't have to win her over, ect. But that's besides the point. I know he feels guilty and like a hypocrite. i.e., celebrates all holidays, boozing, whoring, ect. lol. As I have mentioned, this has come up before, but I think he gets distracted and falls off the guilt wagon.

    Why do they always want you to talk to someone else? I thought maybe in his case it was because simply didn't have the answers, and I know this is true because he really doesn't, but it seems ike every potential new convert gets shuffled along to somebody else.

  • Confuzzled

    I know about the women not talking in church, it was one of the verses he had me compare and it is true, it is there. But it also says your head is supposed to be covered in church, and nothing says anything about skirts being required, but again beating a dead horse. There is something to be said for following the Bible to the letter, but the Lord isn't stupid, I don't think he cares who speaking the Gospel as long as someone is telling it.

    He claims they live like the first church (He always says "they" because he doesn't feel worthy of the title JW), and I said if you want to live like the first church, I sugest you move to Lancaster, PA and become a Mennonite or Amish. He accused me of "Being down for your religion, and not Jehovah", but from what you generous people have told me it seems like the cult does exactly that, worship 9 old, filthy, rich men in Brooklyn.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My father has been a staunch, missionary, Christendom bashing, superdub, for 70 years and HE doesn't want to prove his doctrines to me.

    He tells me that the answers are all in the Whatever It Is Book.

    HE tells ME to write to The Society for answers to my questions.

    I tell him, "It's your religion, YOU write to them and tell me the answer."

    He never does.

    70 wasted years. Scores of victims. Willing and unwilling victims. Pratt

  • Satanus

    They talk jehovah this, jehovah that, jehovah's people, jehovah etc, etc. Yet, the name is a roman catholic invention, the church that the jws hate the most.

    Secondly, the name jehovah does NOT appear in the new testement, not ONE time. The nt is all about jesus. The nt is the CHRISTIAN part of the bible. W their jehovah talk, they shouldn't even be using the nt, and let's face it, they are a lot like the ot jews, w their hundreds of rules. Jws are really a jewish cult, not really christian.

    'Course, the wt org found a way to overcome the problem of the absence of yhwh in the nt. They made their own bible and PUT it in, some 235 times, in the nt. They back up these insertions w the claim that it MUST have been there, when there is absolutely no proof that it ever was, in the original greek nt texts. They do trot out some false evidence that it must have been. But, that is easily shown as false. The funny thing about this issue is that they claim that jehovah protected his word from corruption. Yet, if it were true that he had his name in the nt, then he was unable to keep it there. They contradict themselves in those 2 ways. 1. by using a roman catholic name for god, when they claim that the rc's are pagan and demon infested. 2. that god protected his word, yet allowed his name to be removed. His name is supposed to be one of the key issues in the universe.


  • Satanus

    The church most like the 1st century christians is the pentacostals.* They do, or try to do the magic stuff that the christians are supposed to have done. They preach in public. They worship jesus. They fast, wash feet, feed the hungry, exorcise demons, they have a free style. The wt org is more like the jews were, w their noses always reading books and nitpicking legalisms, messing w laws and rules, clean and dirty, etc.

    *That is , before paul's influence took over. After paul's enthronment, the nature of the christians slowly changed, and eventually they developed into the catholic church.


  • greenie

    You need to talk to Wobble or others about the issue of women in 1 Corinthians. There is a developed school of thought that says Paul was responding to what the Corinthians were doing in their church, so in his letter, he would write their practice (like women covering their heads), then respond to it. Keep doing your research. It's interesting. Also, check out Gallatians which says that we're all supposed to be equal. Yes, it says THAT in the Bible too. He won't show you that though in his attempt to prove that women should be in subjection.

  • greenie

    Here, check out this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/183032/1/Your-views-of-the-headship

    OR just search the term "headship" on here. That's another exhausting thing about JWs, you really have to research EVERYTHING they say. You can't just take THEIR word on it. Though you see it written in the bible, they take it out of context (per usual) and put THEIR spin on it.

  • GLTirebiter

    Confuzzled, he may be "lapsed" for now but it seems to me he's having a re-lapse. Witnesses are not supposed to marry outside the organization. He's already going to meetings and wants you to "study", so you can become a "publisher" and then be baptized. He wants to marry a Witness, not the person you are now! Please read the article Dating a Lapsed Jehovah's Witness at freeminds.org, and compare your experience to what that writer says.

    So the questions you need to answer include these: Are you willing to change to please him? Are you willing to give up who you are now to be who he wants you to be? Is what he is asking you to do something that you will be comfortable with for the rest of your life?

    You're wise to ask questions and proceed with both eyes wide open. You're the one who must decide whether to stay or to leave. Whatever you decide, do so after careful consideration. And whatever you decide, my thoughts are with you.

  • Confuzzled

    I must admit, a lot of this is really interesting, but also horribly sad and disturbing.

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