Follow up to my saga

by Heartbreaker 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Well you certainly ripped that bandaid off!

    You're very brave and an inspiration - you stood up to the bullies and didn't mince your words.

    It sounds like they probably WILL wield the axe. Moving could be a very positive step.

    2 years ago, having faced the bullies ourselves (and gotten the chop), we moved to another country/continent. It's hard to start with, lonely but exciting and challenging. You sound like you won't have any trouble making new friends - real friends who will care about you unconditionally - we found them, I'm sure you will too.

    Onwards and upwards!!

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    One chapter of your life is over, a bad chapter to be left behind. A new chapter is ahead, and you can make it as happy a chapter as you dare. Literally the world is at your family's feet. Go as far as YOU want, there is no way for them to control you, to shame you, to harass you; unless you give them the chance.

    Find out about eachother, past dreams, past hobbies or interests that you always wanted to explore but never had the time because of service, meetings, conventions, ect... or just learn to relax and not think of where you should be and what you should be doing. It is your time, your life, do with it what YOU wish for the first time. IT WILL BE A BLAST! You will learn things about yourself and your husband and children that you never knew. Things that they were never capable of when in a mind controlling cult.

    That was my experience anyway. I do what I want, even do charity work at times and go on motorcycle drives for at risk children, kids in hospitals, and any fund my girl friend finds interesting. It is so wonderful to be able to spend YOUR time how you want. You can take a vacation and not have to spend three days of it being brain washed at a convention. We went to Las Vegas for a week, and to Myrtle Beach for a week, and know what? Never saw a kingdum hall the whole time.

    Sorry if I praddled away, but you can find yourself like a kid in a candy shop, enjoy! Don't waste your time worring about little things anymore. BE YOU! I wish you all the best, and keep us updated.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    hugs HB

  • besty

    more hugs

  • wantstoleave

    Wow Heartbreaker, I feel for you in what you've been through ((hugs)).....You seem to have handled the situation very well with the elders in your yard. You answered appropriately, without flying into a rage, which is probably what they would have liked so the decision to Df would be easier. And you are right to tell them next time they stop by, 'we are about to eat, this is not a convenient time' and shoo them away. I wonder if they will bother stopping by again, or give you a call to tell you Df is on the cards? I wish you the very best, and know that with the support of your husband you will get through this. Keep up up to date on further events...

  • avishai

    Heck, move up here to Oregon. You and hubby sound like my kinda people.

  • Heartbreaker

    But Avi, it's so COLD up there! I can barely take the long wet winter months of Kansas. How would I survive?? ;) Husband would LOVE it though.

  • Heartbreaker

    Sweet Pea and Besty, you two...I just don't even have words. Thank you for your kindness, you have big, big hearts. Wish we were closer.

  • Heartbreaker
    Heartbreaker summed it up very well what I feel like most days. Like a kid in a candy shop. I'm finding most people NOT jw are some of the happiest people, they can enjoy simple things, and they cherish friendships, treat them as precious. I've never before experienced that. Something about being "in" makes you callous to real feelings, and true friendships are neither never formed, or they are, but damaged from being so conditional. Ok, now I've rambled. I just would like to say I took your post to heart (saved it in another email to reread even) and appreciate your taking time to respond to me :)

  • Heartbreaker

    OTWO, I appreciate your words, always a straight shooter, and I admire that. My man is very much like that :)

    Billy, yes it was very clear they were not there to shepard, not even a bible in hand. They were there to collect information, and it could only be negative information...they wouldn't take that we are happy now, we just want to live a quiet life and don't associate with anyone, or share our views...they repeated the congregation needed to be kept clean and organized. Well, thanks for reducing our lives as just paperword, numbers, and a file. Such warm love. You were right on the mark about the story my mom sent too, over emotional BS, but she loves that stuff.

    Whoknows...I expect to see that tree!! Good for you! Sorry you had to suffer your way out though.

    readyornot, I appreciate you voicing how reading my story made you feel, that you could see the vileness in it all that it turned your stomach. Who knows, maybe my story stirred something in your too...either way, thanks for voicing your support in a post, I appreciate it. Would love to hear more from you and your experience too!

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