Has anyone got any experience of Autism ?

by judi8751 47 Replies latest social family

  • cantleave

    My son has aspergers.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I worked for one semester with autistic children ages 5-8. This in no way qualifies me to assert any opinionon the cause of Autism.

    But I can tell you I loved the work and found it very rewarding. None of the children were verbal and my sign language skills came in very handy since most of them undertood basic signs for words.

  • jehovahsheep

    google simpsonwood cdc conference and you will discover how the government and the pharma covered up the destruction of babies minds.in 2001 a bill that called for the vaccine companies not responsible for poisoning childrens brains was slipped into the huge homeland security bill.

  • mrsjones5

    AE, frontal Lobe damage as a cause of Autism is a theory according to the information below:

    There are two theories of autism which are supported by evidence for the involvement of the frontal lobes in autism. The executive dysfunction theory posits that the base deficit in autism is a deficit in the ability to control one’s own thought, attention, and behavior. The theory of mind posits that the base deficit in autism is difficulty with "mind-reading:" forming theories about what other people know and think. (A third major theory, the limbic system theory, posits that damage to both the amygdala and the frontal cortex is at the heart of autism, and is discussed in the conclusion.)

    Frontal Lobes from the Center for Neuro Skills

    Cognitive and executive functionDamage to dorsolateral frontal cortex causes various general cognitive deficits, such as impaired working memory and planning (Stone, 2000). Individuals with autistic disorders have been found to have deficits in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex function, but the extent of the damage is not related to the severity of autistic symptoms (Dawson, Meltzoff, Osterling, & Rinaldi, 1998).

    The executive dysfunction theory suggests that the symptoms seen in autism are due to impairment in executive functions such as the cognitive deficits described above (Robbins, 1997). Individuals with autism are impaired on neuropsychological tasks that are sensitive to frontal-lobe damage, such as the Wisconsin card sort task. This strongly suggests frontal-lobe involvement in autism. Tying those findings to a specific area in the frontal lobes, however, is a more difficult task. As mentioned, damage to the most likely area, dorsolateral frontal cortex, does not correlate with autistic symptoms. A more likely hypothesis is that executive dysfunction in autism is not due to damage to a specific area of the brain, but to multiple connected areas involved in executive function (Robbins, 1997). http://psych.rice.edu/mmtbn/autism/autismTheory.html#part2

    Like I said before your thinking that frontal lobe damage is a certain cause is your opinion, a slightly informed opinon but an opinion none the less

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My nephew suffers from autism. He does communicate well and goes to school. Plays little league baseball with other learning challenged children. He does say a lot of inappropriette things that we all just got used to. That's the nature of it as he has so much to say even if it's not appropriette. Other males in my family have suffered from an assortment of social skills that were handicapped. I have memories of inappropriatte speech as does my other nephew. It's taken 45 years for me to be as mature as a 25 year old at best. My therapist ays I'm on the very functional end of Asperger's.

  • TheClarinetist

    My ex was in the autistic spectrum (part of the reason why I let her get away with a lot of the stuff she did to me... <_<), and I once helped out at a birthday party where there were a large number of children with autism. They were awesome.

    EDIT: Took out some faulty arguments I made because out of haste about the swine flu ingredients. I will say that some of the vaccines, at least, contain none of those ingredients.

    There are autistic Amish children... They're just remarkably few and far between.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Thats why i said it was from google mrs jones.

  • jookbeard

    any one with any severe neurological complaints that need deep research and thorough investigation , AE will do a simple Google search! problem solved

  • mrsjones5

    "Thats why i said it was from google mrs jones."


    I'm gonna be nice about this because like I said before I was not offended by your opinion about what you think causes autism but my dear you presented the idea of frontal lobe damage as a certain cause of autism when you had no proof. Working with autistic children is not proof nor is googling information that you barely read proof. If you had just slowed down you would have found the information I had that states the frontal lobe damage as a cause of autism is a theory that had been rejected twelve years ago because it doesn't fit with the symptoms of autism.

  • mrsjones5

    Too bad this topic died

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