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by tryingtoexit 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondiiz


    You did some research which is good but ask yourself what proof do you see for God to choose Russell as his representative here on earth? If you see evidence you don't need to do any more reseach, but if not, then go to Rutherford and as yourself is old Joe acted as he was blessed with God's direction? hmmm

    So if your answer is no than you're not like Satan leaving a "holy" dwelling but are leaving a discusting place. Remember bible speaks of Satan transforming himself into an angel of light and doesn't watchtower look similar to that description without examining it deeper?

    If you can find origianl Russell books get your wife to have a read. I foud Thy Kingdom Come an eye opener and I think that's the best book for evidence against dates and other things that Russell thought and taught(my personal opinion). Make her curious and get her to read it, and see what she thinks.

    Whatever you decide make sure you make an informed decision because if you don't you will regret it later. Research, research, research. I can't tell you what your conclusion should be but facts will prove to your beyond the doubt what you already know about wts. Ask yourself "How do I know GB is appointed besides them telling me so." What is GB record throughout the last 130 years as an org (I know gb was only since 60s/70s)

    Be careful how your present wts info to your wife, use ONLY wts publication or legal court documents so she can't say it's apostate.

    hope some of these idea help

  • jwfacts

    Welcome. Sorry to hear the struggle you are going through. There is no easy way when you have been raised a Witness. You will either hurt yourself staying, or your family if you leave.

    There was a movie that had a large affect on me when I was questioning - though it still took me ten years to get the courage to leave. It was Age of Innocence with Michelle Pfiffer. In it Daniel Day-Lewis married the woman he was expected to marry rather than the woman he loved - Michelle. In his old age he sat outside Michelle's window, but then was too scared to go up to meet her. It made me think - how will I feel in my old age looking back and knowing my life was lived as expected by others rather than what was best for me. I left thinking Daniel Day-Lewis was pathetic and realised that if I stayed I would hate myself in my old age.

    You gave the following reasons for why you want to stay.

    I have a few reasons why I want to stay; they are:

    Moses soley spoke for the Israelites, and when Aaron and Miriam questioned that authority Jehovah was upppset, am I wrong for thinking the Governing Body doesnt represent God for me???

    Satan the Devil LEFT heaven, humans are known for expressions such as "Heaven must be like this" Well Satan he was already LIVING there and he left, not only did he leave, but he took others with them, even convinced angels who have no gender to wanna have sex with women, lol, so I'm like mannn maybe I'm no different than Satan for wanting to leave where I should already be....if that makes sense

    Jehovah has always had a certain group of people whether large or small that were his people, could it be that Jehovah's Witnesses are those chosen people??

    Jehovah's Witnesses follow the 1st century congregations when the apostles were alive, great right?

    What if Armageddon comes, and the Witnesses were right, boy would I be an idiot right??

    Regarding the above reasons, try replacing the word Witnesses with Christadelphian/Mormon/SDA etc. The answers will be exactly the same. People of all high control religions suffer with the same questions when they want to leave.

  • tryingtoexit

    Man, I love this place, lots of replies, I didnt even get on the computer last night because I had some pretty interesting conversations with my wife and my dad. My wife didnt even really let me talk to her, she just said "you study so much and I see how hard you research things, but your lesson is never underlined, I wish you put this same type of effort into theocratic things".......then she slept in another room, so there goes that...

    My dad simply says stuff like "well the organization is imperfect, Jehovah doesnt have to step in on every little thing that is wrong, so there are alot of things that take place that we dont like, but Jehovah will correct it when he's ready, it's not up to us"

    My mom likes to use this on me "You found what on Charles Russell??? Oh boy, that's old news, the light has gotten so much brighter since then, I wouldnt even concern myself with that nonsense"

    It's frustrating to the point where I think I'm going to have to make these changes regardless if I can help them or not. My personal choice is this, I only attend meetings 2 or 3 times a month, I never go out in service, hardly ever, I never give talks, I dont have any privileges because I've been on silent reproof since January of 2007, and I have the prayer restriction still hanging over me, lol, lol, lol, nobody really talks to me, and my best friend who's like a brother to me, got disfellowshipped last week, so I figure soon as I get enough money to support myself on my own, I'm out of here. To be honest, these economic times are rough, and me and my wife need each other's help, we're a team when it comes to our bills, gas money, food, and other miscellaneous things, when it gets real hard....sometimes my parents will send us a little something to help us out. I know if I leave the organization, I will be completely on my own again, which I havent been for 3 1/2 years, so I'm gonna prepare for the worst, and find somewhere to live where I know I can handle myself alone until I'm able to find something better. As far as friends, I have my ex-witness cousin who says her door is always open in Atlanta, and the best man of my wedding is now a gay man, so he's not a witness anymore, he knows exactly what I'm going through as well. I have many options, it's just that each day that passes I see more and more how me being alone because of this piece of shit cult and mind frame of witnesses is about to put me through a loooong journey, but I'm ready to take it.

    Thanks to daniel-p for reassuring my doubts about this cult, I feel stronger mentally for the tasks ahead of me, thank you. Also yeah I'm not sure where I wanna head next far as faith goes, but I am curious to know what a real christian is, the more I see that JW's are NOT chrisitans the more I wanna learn you know?

    Nelly- thanks, yeah I have lots of friends that are not witnesses that will literally die for me, to bad I cant say the same about anyone else in the organization, thanks for your words.

    whoknows- preciate what you said, sorry to hear/read your situation, all advise is welcome

    Deputy Dog- I wont be able to attend that, but I'm interested in learning more, cause my family is acting like I've committed the unforgivable sin since I said I'm not going to our circuit assembly this weekend, lol.

    chalam- Once again, lots and lots of love for breaking down those view points, I love when you do that, lol, that really helps to get insight like that, trust me when I tell you it doesnt go unnoticed and it sticks with me, even when you do it in other threads.

    PSacremento- Thanks I'll keep that in mind, preciate ya stoppin by

    VoidEater- You make great points, really made me think, at this point as you can see, I think I know what I have to do, it's just gonna be a hard journey to take, but it's now or never to me, thanks for taking the time to do that for me, means alot.

    Emptyinside- Thanks, yeah I feel like you, I'm looking forward to when this is all over.

    Diamondiiz- Thanks for the advise, I will keep that in mind, I'm sure it will go along way in making sure I dont present my cases the wrong way, presentation is everything, just ask a witness, lol.

    JWFacts- Wow! Never seen that movie, but makes alot of sense, yeah I cant live this lie any longer, it's literally eating me alive, I'm prepared for the worst at this point, but whatever happens happens, all I know is I'm getting out and fast!

    Once again thanks to everybody that dropped by, I'll be on the forum tonight, I gotta catch up on some topics I missed, preciate you all welcoming me aboard, look forward to getting to know all of you more, chat with you guys soon, peace.

  • snowbird

    Well, looks like you crossed some t's and dotted some i's.


    Nice hearing from you.

    You said:

    chalam- Once again, lots and lots of love for breaking down those view points, I love when you do that, lol, that really helps to get insight like that, trust me when I tell you it doesnt go unnoticed and it sticks with me, even when you do it in other threads.

    I say, AMEN.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Deputy Dog- I wont be able to attend that, but I'm interested in learning more, cause my family is acting like I've committed the unforgivable sin since I said I'm not going to our circuit assembly this weekend, lol.

    Feel free to send me a private message. I'll try to help any way I can.

  • reslight2

    Charles Taze Russell was just crazy in all angles if you ask me, nobody wants to examine the evidence I present to my family, they just say read the Proclaimers book and sit down somewhere.

    Charles Taze Russell was a Christian minister of God who presented more of what the Bible actually said than the traditionalists who seem to be more involved in thier traditions than Biblical truth.

    Despite what the Jehovah's leadership claim, there was no "Jehovah's Witnesses" organization during the days of Russell. Russell was a non-sectarian who did not believe in such an authoritative organization. The Jehovah's Witnesses' "organization" doctrine was developed by Rutherford after Russell died.

    Christian love,


  • snowbird
    Charles Taze Russell was a Christian minister of God who presented more of what the Bible actually said than the traditionalists who seem to be more involved in thier traditions than Biblical truth.

    But, he was still crazy, if you ask me, also.


  • reslight2

    God hasn't gone to sleep for the last 2000 years, unlike the false god that Charles Taze Russell created 1 Kings 18:27 Jeremiah 10:5 Isaiah 44:9

    Since the God that Russell believed in is the "God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob," "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus," I am left wondering if the writer of the above really believes that the God of Jesus is a false god, and that Russell created the God of Jesus?

    As far as the JWs, they have taken the English form of the holy name and brought reproach to that name through their denial of the ransom for all, claiming that millions of unbelieving men, women, and their children, will be eternally destroyed because of their blindness in not accepting the distorted "Good News" that they present.

    Russell, however, should not be held responsible for the kind of "Good News" that the JWs preach, since he did not believe in that kind of "Good News."

    Christian love,


  • daniel-p


    Sounds like you're getting things settled in your mind.

    Stay strong. You have your whole life ahead of you.

  • Farkel

    You already have all the right answers. What you don't yet have are all the right questions.

    Once you can find those, you'll know what you need to do. But whether you stay in as a JW or leave, there will be a price to pay. The question is, which price are you willing to pay to give you what you want the most?


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