*Everyone Please Enter, I'm New Here*

by tryingtoexit 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird
    Daniel, pee!
    you'll never let that one go, will ya Sylvia!!!

    Nope. Every time I see that little boy, I think of you!


    *muttering to self, enough of the hijack, Sylvia*!


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    There will be many of us praying for you at the WITNESSES NOW FOR JESUS CONVENTION October 16 -18,


    I'll pray you can come.

  • Chalam

    Hi TTE,

    No problems-glad to be of service :) PM me if you like.

    Let me leave with another quote from my elder father "Noah had to preach for 120 years, and nobody believed him. Even Jesus said believe the works, if you dont believe me, believe the works. No one took note until the flood swept everyone away. The world will not take note until they see the celestial signs, but by then it will be too late"

    I love this verse

    John 14:11 (New International Version)

    11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.

    It still applies, though of course, not to JWs who disregard it, like much of the New Testament. See this verse for example

    John 14:12 (New International Version)

    12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

    God hasn't gone to sleep for the last 2000 years, unlike the false god that Charles Taze Russell created 1 Kings 18:27 Jeremiah 10:5 Isaiah 44:9

    Have a read here 1 Corinthians 12 Every gift is still in use more than ever.

    He always says stuff like that, he's no dummy, he knows I'm on my way out, I just hope and pray (dont even know how to really pray anymore) that my wife and I can make it through this...

    That's good. You need to unlearn everything the WT ever taught you and start again :) Matthew 6 Luke 11

    Let the Holy Spirit be your guide John 14:26 John 15:26

    All the best,


  • PSacramento


    You call them a cult, it seems that the light is working through you already.

    Read the Bible, choose a book or letter, try the Gospel of john, maybe the NIV or the Jerusalme Bible or even the NKJV, and just start reading from chapter one till you are done ( you don't have to read it all in one sitting, LOL), ask the HS to open your heart and soul and spirit to what you are reading and you will see somethign wonderful happen.

    The Word of God lives in Us and if you let it, it will lead you to God's undying love for us, through his Son Jesus.

  • daniel-p

    Read the Bible, choose a book or letter, try the Gospel of john, maybe the NIV or the Jerusalme Bible or even the NKJV, and just start reading from chapter one till you are done ( you don't have to read it all in one sitting, LOL), ask the HS to open your heart and soul and spirit to what you are reading and you will see somethign wonderful happen.

    The Word of God lives in Us and if you let it, it will lead you to God's undying love for us, through his Son Jesus.

    Or, you may find yourself turning away from the Bible and/or religion entirely. In either case, it's your path to take. Don't be in a rush to replace the faith you are losing. Give yourself time. It will likely take years before you really settle down emotionally and spiritually.

  • PSacramento


    Its funny but, with me, the more I read the bible (NT) and closer I became to God and Jesus, the further I got from organized religion.

  • daniel-p

    Its funny but, with me, the more I read the bible (NT) and closer I became to God and Jesus, the further I got from organized religion.

    Same here! But the more I read, I also found myself not being able to believe in the god of the Bible.... I wished it hadn't turned out that way, but I can't pick and choose what best makes sense to me. We all have our own mental and spiritual inclinations, I guess.

  • VoidEater

    I'm sure you don't need more comments, but here's some anyway...

    Moses soley spoke for the Israelites, and when Aaron and Miriam questioned that authority Jehovah was upppset, am I wrong for thinking the Governing Body doesnt represent God for me???

    Is there any scriptural basis for the GB to claim to represent God?

    Satan the Devil LEFT heaven, humans are known for expressions such as "Heaven must be like this" Well Satan he was already LIVING there and he left, not only did he leave, but he took others with them, even convinced angels who have no gender to wanna have sex with women, lol, so I'm like mannn maybe I'm no different than Satan for wanting to leave where I should already be....if that makes sense

    Well, there's a huge mire to get stuck in...but if you take this at face value, God must have created Satan knowing what he would do, and that must have been part of God's plan. But doesn't it sound just a little odd that non-gendered angels could have any interest in sex? And that all the fallen angels decided to be male? And...if it was so amazing in Heaven, why would any want to leave anyway?

    Jehovah has always had a certain group of people whether large or small that were his people, could it be that Jehovah's Witnesses are those chosen people??

    So who has been these groups of people throughout the course of the years? And, even if true, could it not be just as true that today the Dlying Spaghetti Monster cult is God's true representatives on Earth?

    Jehovah's Witnesses follow the 1st century congregations when the apostles were alive, great right?

    That's what they say...but I don't see it. Do you?

    What if Armageddon comes, and the Witnesses were right, boy would I be an idiot right??

    Will you feel any less foolish if the Catholics were right and you ignored conversion? If you have a personal relationship with God, won't he already know of your sincerity?

    And then...on the other hand, you've seen for yourself what a pack of lies they're putting out.

    How can all their dogma be complete BS, yet you think you should stay?

    Clearly, as you note yourself, the only that really keeps you in is the stability of the three relationships you value.

    Really, the question boils down to: can you live a lie, pretending to believe in a load of lies, and getting other unsuspecting victims to believe in that lie, to keep things looking happy?

    It's a choice many have to make.

    But, since you are good at evaluating posisbilities:

    What if you wife has been secretly having doubts, too? What if you spend the next 50 years, each of you unhappy, pretending to belive it all in order to keep the other happy, when you both want out?

  • jamiebowers
    Charles Taze Russell was just crazy in all angles if you ask me, nobody wants to examine the evidence I present to my family, they just say read the Proclaimers book and sit down somewhere

    I could be wrong about this, so somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall that our own Barbara Anderson did the research for the Proclaimers book during her time at Bethel, and she could find no evdence that God had an earthly organization betwen the time of the apostles and the establishment of the International Bible students. I'll pm her to double check, and let you know what she says, or maybe she'll post on this thread.

  • EmptyInside

    Hello, I'm at the same crossroads too. So just know, as others mentioned, you're not alone in what your feeling right now. And Welcome!

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