alone in the hse with opposite it crazy ??? or not??

by angel eyes 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Regarding being in the house with someone of opposite sex...thats a conscience thing too, the individual decides YET many claim that if they were seen in the house with someone of opposite sex they could stumble people..I think its them who have the problem, how can someone think the worse and make an accusation!?!?! They are the ones with the problem and should be counselled, not the ones together. Its up to the individuals, we shouldnt have to take on other people consciences and be worried what others say...Jehovah sees ALL things and at the end of the day we stand before Jah's throne on judgment day not sister or brother so and so. :)

    I know we have to use discernment and have a balance but really!!! do any of you feel sometimes its blown out of porportion?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hello, Angel Eyes:

    Those who work in service-oriented jobs are often alone in the house with a client of the opposite sex. Are they all to have a chaperone during work hours? I have no automobile. Am I not allowed to get a ride to town with a female?

    Your points are well made, AE.



  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Thankyou Co Co, Ive given brothers a lift to the hall before and have been asked were it true?? I said Yes, and i was advised against it, when i said why? and, but if it's raining you exspect me to let a brother walk?? and gave other reasons too, i was left alone. I always open the door and if its a brother im comfortable with then i always say that my husband isnt home but they are welcome in if they want, that way they can choose also.

  • snowbird

    Titus 1:15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. NIV

    Hi, Angel Eyes

    Here's to questioning.

    Good for you!


  • caliber

    This term "being stumbled" is way over used to point where one is almost to paranoid about the opposite sex.

    You can't be your normal self , for fear or worry .. What will others say or think.. or worse gossip about ?

    Caution is in order for say 13 year olds.. It's like driving a car by 16 years old most are consider mature enough to

    drive off into the sunset alone !

    these verses are often used...

    Romans 14:13, "Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way." The theme Paul was going on about had something to do with following (or not following) certain Jewish dietary restrictions. He was basically counseling Christians who felt they didn't have to follow the restrictions to not offend those who did. Read the whole section for clarification.

    1 Corinthians 10:32
    Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God

    Another favorite expression at the Hall is "by extension".... by extension you can now liberally apply every scripture beyond context!

  • Finally-Free

    I remember a brother™ and his sister moved here from Ghana. They were poor, and came here with only the clothes on their backs. They found menial cleaning jobs and managed to share a 2 bedroom apartment in the nastiest ghetto in our territory™, and they could barely afford that. The elders made his sister find an appartment of her own because it "looked bad" that they were sharing an apartment since they weren't married. Well, DUH! They were brother and sister.

    On the other side of the coin, it's perfectly all right for 4 pioneer™ sisters™ to live together and never have men over. Guess what? Before I was a JW I was "worldly" and I would assumed they were all lesbians.

    Their rules are inconsistent. JWs live for appearances, yet fail to see how stupid they appear to others.


  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Thanks auntie sylv.... yup if you have a clean mind then you wont think perverse things.

    Caliber, i agree.....we are often told to be careful not to stumble others but what if that means stumbling us. for instance, i find it stumbling(maybe the wrong word) if someone were to say to me they couldnt be alone with me for fear of what others may say, that would disturb me, and it does, yet thats not taken into account.

    I studied with an elder, we were alone in his house every sunday.....but that wasnt wrong, no one said it was wrong.

    FF, thats have to say something if i were in that cong.....that would definately disturb me...

    Jah sees all things.

  • mrsjones5

    I have been alone in my house with the opposite sex who aren't my husband numerous times. Nothing happened. There was no thought of "Omg! There's a man in my house with a penis and we could have sex!" None of that. See I'm a happily married woman who has full control of her sexual actions. Even if I wasn't married having a man in the house is not a signal to automatically let the clothes fly and succumb to doing the nasty on the kitchen floor.

  • truthseekeriam

    Hi AE,

    A friend of mine and fellow JW had to move in with her sister and BIL for a few months and I kid you not she was not allowed to be alone at any time with the BIL. She spend hours at the coffee house or sitting in her car waiting for her sister to come home in order to go into the house. They were so worried what the B/S would think if they were alone. I thought that was really weird, I have no problem with my sister being alone with my husband nor do I care what others may think. To each their own I suppose.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    even Jehovah must shake his head.

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