I can't help that I think less of poor spellers

by gubberningbody 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    By spelling and writing well EVERY TIME, you transmit the message that you are educated and that your opinions matter and should be taken more seriously. A person earns respect by communicating their thoughts correctly. I really can't take a spell check impaired person seriously when the message is conveyed so unseriously. I declare "unseriously" to be a valid word that should be added to the dictionary, if it's not already

    Seriously, if you're in college and write home with errors in the letter, what is your mom going to think? What a waste of money sending that kid to college, perhaps? Or, they aren't teaching my kid much.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I've been declared the OCD editor of this board for spelling and grammar errors I hope you are not vying for my position

  • musky


  • parakeet

    here, here, parakeet. your sew rite

    Your awesum!

    Aaarrrrgggghhh!!!! You're killing me! My eyes are bleeding!

    White Dove: Seriously, if you're in college and write home with errors in the letter, what is your mom going to think? What a waste of money sending that kid to college, perhaps?

    I think I said good spelling and grammar in letters to Mom would be NICE but not essential. After all, Mom isn't going to give you an F if you misspell a word or two, would you, Mom?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Spelling and grammar are overrated.

  • wobble

    I agree that something that is going public needs correct spelling and grammar, on here I think a lot of problem words are typos,because people,me included, don't read their post before pressing " submit"

    The problem with saying " Aw it don't matter" is that I always have this in-built prejudice that a person who cannot spell,and construct a sentence properly, cannot know much, people whose 1st. language is not English excepted.

    One of the common mistakes on here is "Shepharding" it should obviously be Shepherding, think about it, herding sheep. This illustrates the problem,many ,by the way they spell show they do not know the meaning and origin of a word, thus displaying an under-lying ignorance that casts doubt on the validity of their opinions.

    Spell check is working on here too, why ignore that ?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The bOrg spelled disfellowshipped with one pee for doG knows how many years and nobody even noticed.

  • DJK

    No one is perfect.

    Even God isn't perfect. Look at the flamingo, he put the knee caps on backwards.

  • LouBelle

    Sometimes it is just a typo,or a slip of the finger - it happnes and there are far greater things to worry about *shrug* Then don't forget that Americans use z at times or drop the u - do you consider it is poor spelling if others follow the British style?

  • acolytes


    What a Jehovers Witness comment.

    Lets all go back to the K.H and judge by appearance.

    ( SHOCK HORROR AND SURPRISE) This international board allowas people of all ages and educational ability regardless of their ability to spell in English.

    This board exists because people have the courage to partisipate despite your judgementalism.


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