What exactly are JWs unique in?

by isaacaustin 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento


    You have no notion of what persecution means if you believe the WT is more persecuted.

    Just the sheer number of Christian missionaries that have been killed before the WT even came into existence would boggle your mind.

    Not to mention the Jews like Isace illustrated above.

    Or how about the 10's of thousands of Bosnian muslims exterminated in the Balkans?

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    jw witnesses died too... but you wouldnt know for you werent ever a jw were you....

    keep trying :))

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    that comment is to IC

  • jookbeard

    does that matter?

  • isaacaustin

    yeah, a few hundred, at most. JWs were nothing notable. Other groups died as well. Nothing comes close to the Jewish population who suffered. I have already explained here what my status is/has been. Go find it.

  • PSacramento


    I hope that your post was just one out of frustration because of the other thread in which you are being hammered, because if not, what you said is very insensitive.

    To compare the very mild presecution that the JW's have endured, many of it self imposed as in the case of China, with what some Muslims, Christians and so many jews have endured over CENTURIES makes no sense whatsoever.

  • jookbeard

    AE you are sounding a bit stupid now, a care to prove it from a non JW source? doubt it, the JW's are only persecuted because the WTS leaders make it that way

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    actually they were but it wasnt mentioned...not surprising ay.

    Thousands died...millions even....and even today we are persecuted for the sake of Jesus. Im proud to stand side by side with Jehovah and Jesus, and i'll take anything thrown at me...the more you twist things the more im sure my religion is correct...i dont twist what you say, ive always listened until you went a little mad.

    I'll listen to yknot, snowbird, and flipper too.You could learn a thing or 2 from flipper.

  • isaacaustin

    Yeah AE, you are really just stupid now. I am glad you made those comments so others, especially lurkers, can see.

  • jookbeard

    millions of JW's have died from persecution? LOL

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