What exactly are JWs unique in?

by isaacaustin 105 Replies latest jw friends


    "remaining calm when under persecution and when being lied about."

    Those poor pursecuted JW`s..

    I remember reading a news paper article about Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    Going into a Muslim country pretending to be Avon Salesmen..

    They were Caught with WBT$ literature and beheaded..

    They were beheaded because they were Liars..

    Not because they were Jehovah`s Witness`s..

    I`ll bet they were real calm watching each other get thier heads chopped off!!..LOL!!

    "Having lies said about them ALL the time."

    Jehovah`s Witness`s Have a Pedophile Problem..

    The WBT$ protects JW Pedophiles..

    The WBT$ did not need to join the United Nations DPI to get a library card..

    ...Those are are all Facts...

    "Being accused of things they havent done."

    Like Watching JW`s Read my "No Religious Representitaves" Sign..

    Listening to them discuss the sign,then knocking on my door..

    Then me pointing out the sign..


    Listen to them deny,they ever saw the sign..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s engage in Theocratic Warefare....LYING!!

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are Taught to Lie..By the WBT$..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are expected to use Theocratic Warefare (LIE)..By the WBT$..

    LYING(Theocratic Warefare Stratagy)..Is part of the Jehovah`s Witness Cult Beliefs..

    "I'll stop there for now....."

    You could alway post about why you Lied,about Jehovah`s Witness`s Lying..


    What would be the point..

    You`d probably Lie about that Too..


  • Alwayshere

    I would have to say everything but the TRUTH.

  • isaacaustin

    AE said:

    remaining calm when under persecution and when being lied about.

    Having lies said about them ALL the time.

    Being accused of things they havent done.

    I'll stop there for now.....

    My reply:

    untrue, thew GB uses that to build up the cult-like us vs them mentality and build the martyr complex...and the captives follow...that is the same in all cults...FLDS sound familiar?

  • isaacaustin

    so back to thequestion again AE that you are unwilling or unable to answer- what was so special about the WT that they alone were chosen to handle Jesus earthly affairs???? To this point all you have done on JWN is knock down the GB's credibility.

  • diamondiiz

    OT - AE, just out of curiousity you wouldn't be the same Reniaa character(s) would you? Just thought to ask since you came on just prior to its departure and post a lot in a less offensive style but something that wouldn't surprise me of wt doing. If you have no connection to Reniaa individual(s) I apolagize but please answer with yes or no statement.

    Some unique doctrines are their interpretation of Rev and applying it to themselves. I'm not sure if there are any other religions teaching that Jesus is Michael in a heavenly position. Probably also unique in having stayed afloat for 130 years while having so many scandals within that short period of time and being able to keep these scandals nicely hidden from so majority of their followers

  • Butterflyleia85

    My grandpa was my inspiration he told me we would be in paradise earth and live happily ever after! That is what still holds strong in my heart. He was inpressed when he studied with the JW of the dedication of researching the scriptures and finding out he wasn't going to die in hell! He had faith and I have faith because of him. This unique gift God gave us of faith and having hope for the future was lead by the inspiration by God and translation of the Scriptures our for fathers, men that stood before our time has given us.

    To each is own...


    My grandpa was my inspiration he told me we would be in paradise earth and live happily ever after! That is what still holds strong in my heart. He was inpressed when he studied with the JW of the dedication of researching the scriptures and finding out he wasn't going to die in hell! He had faith and I have faith because of him. This unique gift God gave us of faith and having hope for the future was lead by the inspiration by God and translation of the Scriptures our for fathers, men that stood before our time has given us.

    To each is own...

    When I was a kid all the older JW`s Preached that..

    Most of them are dead..

    The Generations before them are dead..

    Everyone is entitled to thier beliefs..

    They still end up dead..


  • Butterflyleia85

    True that but they die with a peace of mind. That's all I want to do live and die in peace...

    Still searching...

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    glad your staying strong butterfly.....your hearts great...love ya babes....

    Dont forget QB in new syst

  • Spook

    The Revelation book was stolen and twisted from Hal Lindsay.

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