Why are witnessess persecuted?

by YoYoMama 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Erich


    There are many JW's, who do less than 100% .;-)
    (Some do even less than 20%...)
    and there are some JW's not following the mainstream. They see their priorities in different way.

  • JT

    Yo says:

    Basically then Witnesses are persecuted because they teach from the Bible
    let's see-

    1. jesus cominging 1874 - not from the bible- even though jw said it was
    2. world ending in 1925- not from the bible- even though jw said it was

    3. can't take transplant- not from the bible- even though jw said it was

    4. world would end in 75--not from the bible- even though jw said it was

    5 - preaching work would be wrapped up due to the end by 2000--not from the bible- even though jw said it was

    6. generation of 1914 WOULD NOT DIE OFF B4END--not from the bible- even though jw said it was

    7.ONLY THE ANNOINTED ARE USED BY JAH TO FEED-not from the bible- even though jw said it was- NOW WE GOT REGUALAR DUDES RUNNING THE SHOW


    4. no whole or blood fractions- now we found out that the fractions always were t

  • Seeker

    YoYoMama said:

    O.K. so I'm computing all the answers...
    Then said:

    Basically then Witnesses are persecuted because they teach from the Bible.
    Thereby showing she didn't compute the answers...
  • JT

    YO YO mama says:

    We actually use out time and energy to teach worldly people the ways of Jehovah God.


    and of course these were the ways of Jah right??

    1. jesus cominging 1874 -
    2. world ending in 1925
    3. can't take transplant
    4. world would end in 75--
    5 - preaching work would be wrapped up due to the end by 2000
    6. generation of 1914 WOULD NOT DIE OFF B4END

    yes Yo YO all of these were taught to folks, folks were
    DF for these teachings and after all was said and done
    then you and i was told that they were NEVER IN THE BIBLE

    yep you spend time teaching folks alot of stuff that aint even in the bible

    how sad and you got the nerve to say that all you teach is SUPPORTED BY THE BIBLE

    yea right

    more like guesses and opinions of the boys in writing being sold to you and millions as the view of god

  • flower


    actually that may be true, but these witnesses who are doing their own thing and not following the 'mainstream' as you call it, are not real witnesses at all. i was a witness for almost thirty years and have been to dozens of different congregations and there is no way that your way of thinking and what you are doing is acceptable to them. if your circuit overseer knew that you were spending your time here you would be disfellowshiped in a heartbeat and you know it. so dont be trying to pass yourself off as a real witness.


  • Englishman
    We never were "collectively self righteous and arrogant". We never were "severely judgemental". We never "broke up families, and we never "encouraged the attitude, that formerly loved relatives are now just >worldly people< worthy of destruction", we never encouraged someone
    "to let their children die without blood transfusions", and we never "discouraged our son getting a higher education".

    So, you're not an elder, then?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • FreePeace

    Last night, my 15 year-old son told me he couldn't understand why JW's think they are persecuted. He told me that when he was sitting on the Golden Princess cruise ship with my Dub sister and her husband a couple of weeks ago, this very thing came to his mind.

    He said to me, "Here they are on a Caribbean cruise, being waited on hand and foot, a Corona beer with lime in their hand, and living a good life. How can they think they are persecuted?" He thought it was rather hypocritical.

    He also added that they make themselves the victims and that is not healthy.

    Some wise observations from a 15 year old.

    "The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
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    Who Am I? -How to Reinvent Yourself After Leaving the WTS

  • YoYoMama

    JT: Yes go on. You're just repeting the same babble over and over and over and over...

  • Fredhall


    It was very wise of you listening to a 15 years old kid.

  • metatron

    I believe the issue was why Witlesses are persecuted.

    What you do or did doesn't interest me. I'm describing the
    ugliness of Witnesses in general - damaging families, endlessly
    judging, judging , judging, discouraging college education,
    and so on.

    The only shame I feel is guilt over helping this sick organization
    deceive and injure people.


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