Why are witnessess persecuted?

by YoYoMama 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • 25ashitaka25

    I've been in service before, YOYO. When you tell your children that they can't play with the other kids on the block because they are 'bad asociation', then what is being said? My father would tell me about how my 'worldly' best friend was going to die in Armagedon, when I was 6, and that I just had to accept it.

    That's what I'm speaking of. I'm not a monster, or an animal. I think that religion has gotten out of hand. The JW's are no exception. I won't allow my family to be destroyed by hate, even if they are destroyed by god.


  • AMarie

    Ummm...OK, Yo Yo Mama. That's not the point that everybody was trying to make. I've always respected you and thought you made some good points on occasion, but that answer is downright ignorant. That isn't what anybody said at all. I think it is better summed up by saying that Witnesses are persecuted because of their treatment of others.

    But of course, you are going to believe what you want to believe. Witnesses get persecuted because they teach from the bible, while other religions are persecuted because they are Wicked. Whatever....

  • Fredhall


    Treatment of others? If I was you, I would read the 1974 and 2002 Yearbooks of Jehovah's Witnesses. And tell me how can you can come to a conclusion why the Witnesses were persecuted in Germany and Ukraine?

  • flower

    I'm new here, I havent posted an introduction yet or anything as I'm just kinda trying to get to know the place and everyone. But I have a question that I have observed and I dont understand.

    You, (YOYOMAMA) are supposedly a JW right? I was born and raised a JW and just recently (within the past two years was disfellowshiped) a few years before that I stopped going and only went to the Memorial and Assemblies. In my almost 30 years of being a witness and knowing hundreds if not thousands of witnesses in my life I have never met a witness that would even come to a site like this, let alone post and argue with Apostates. I know for a fact that no witness would do something like this. It just goes against everything that they are taught. Of all their rules and commands that they have to follow, talking to apostates is THE most important and one that they would never break. So I have been asking myself if the people who post to this and other sites I have seen claiming to be witnesses are actually just non witness that are there to stir things up a little bit. Like on other sites on the web there are people who are there just to keep the conversation going when things get slow and I wonder if thats the case.

    Anyway, to answer your question, my opinion is that JW's are no more persecuted than any other radically different religious group. You hear Scientologists and Mormons as well. I know Tom Cruise is a Scientologist and the coach of my favorite football team is a Mormon. I only know that because to most people those are 'different' religions and therefore it is noteworthy..just like Prince being a Jehovah's Witness is noteworthy to them. In most parts of the world, people who belong to 'different' religious groups no longer persecuted but pretty much left alone. There are still places in the world where they are physically harmed for their beliefs and while I am no longer a member I dont agree with that either. I was not happy as a member and it wasnt for me, but there are Witnesses who are happy and if that is what makes them happy they arent hurting anyone so they should be left alone...as long as they let each person decide for themselves.


  • Fredhall


    Are you persecuting Mama?

  • metatron

    "We do not judge worldly people"

    You really don't get it do you? You just repeat empty Watchtower
    phrases as if they were true, without thinking! I can't complain,
    I used to do the same.

    When you call them "worldly people", when you call fanatically
    at their doors because they're going to die at Armageddon
    YOU HAVE JUDGED THEM! You have concluded that God is going to
    kill them because they are wicked - that is making a judgement,
    period. Do you shun some people because they are "bad associations"?
    That is a judgement, period! If you do it a lot - and people
    sense it, they will consider you JUDGEMENTAL.



  • Fredhall


    Don't hang yourself.

  • Erich

    metatron, emglishman etc.

    I'm very disappointed. Most of your accusations are defamations.

    Me and my wife are JW's since 1984. We do door-to-door-preaching
    exclusively as were demanded by Jesus, for warning purposes and for telling the good news about the expectation of a new better and righteous world system.

    We never were "collectively self righteous and arrogant". We never were "severely judgemental". We never "broke up families, and we never "encouraged the attitude, that formerly loved relatives are now just >worldly people< worthy of destruction", we never encouraged someone
    "to let their children die without blood transfusions", and we never "discouraged our son getting a higher education". (metatron)

    We were never name-calling or vilificating any religion (room 215), and..

    and additionally, we never said to any person: Do what we say or God will kill you" (seeker)

    Mindless nonsense. Brain-amputated shit.
    Shame on you all.

  • flower

    My original question/comment would go to you as well then Erich, and that is, What are you doing here? How is it that after working, preparing for the meetings, doing your personal study, going in field service, and having your family study you still have time left to have discussions with non-believers?


  • Fredhall


    Now you persecuting Erich.

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