Why are witnessess persecuted?

by YoYoMama 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mum

    Why are Buddhists persecuted? The Dalai Lama spent about 40 years in prison, and Buddhist religious icons were destroyed in some places.

    I have never seen an individual JW persecuted anywhere I have been except by fellow JW's who "marked" him or her or disagreed with the person's choice of clothing, entertainment, etc. There have been angry behaviors and words which were interpreted as persecution. Most people I speak to now think of JW's as just another religion, albeit a little strange.

    Someone on this board has a signature which is a quotation from the Watchtower that states something to the effect that disagreeing with a religion is not persecution.

    Why are former JW's persecuted? Our former "friends" shun us (if we stand still for it)because we have honest disagreements with certain ideas. We are called names and labeled "apostates." Most other religions do not have such intense hatred for their former members.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • ThiChi

    Well, other Christians are persecuted too. Look at the Taliban on the five Christians for preaching, none where Jws. Look at the current cases in China. I believe what you are talking about is related more to administrative issues more than religious reasons, no voting, no participation in the community, not obtaining a license, and other such matters.

  • Satanus


    Why are apostates persecuted? Most jehovahs witnesses out there have this thing against apostates. Many will do anything to get them banned or to shut their mouths. Even in watchtower articles, if someone did something and they are apostates, it will be mentioned. If they were members of the watchtower society, no mention of their affiliations are made. Why is that?


  • 25ashitaka25


    I agree that religions in general are mentioned, but remember the Catholic molestation news stories? Scientologists who get have negative things said about them (deservedly so, they're a bit out of it). It's not just the JW's, it's anyone who blatently ignores the social standards of the day to pursue a purist lifestyle, and denigrate those who are different.

    JW's fit that mold. They preach that all things "worldly" are "wicked". They demonize anything which does not appease them that particular day. You've seen the conscience trends wax and wane.

    I agree with Tina when she said, "Witnesses need to feel they are persecuted,even when not because it's part of the group dynamic. Nothing more cohesive to any group than perceiving/identifying an 'enemy' that persecutes you."

    Very true.


  • Englishman

    Basically, you make yourself an objectionable pain in the arse. Then, when people are sick and tired of it and start pushing you around, you scream persecution/fulfillment of scripture, which means that Osama must have the true religion.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • roybatty

    Going next door and tell your neighbor that his wife is a whore and see what happens. Well, the JWs have been telling people for years that their religions are whores. People don't like that.

  • YoYoMama

    O.K. so I'm computing all the answers...

    Basically then Witnesses are persecuted because they teach from the Bible.

  • 25ashitaka25

    Not really. Because they judge people by giving them titles such as WORLDLY PEOPLE, and BAD ASSOCIATION. some may be bad, but many are not.

    Anyone who goes by a belief system which judges basically good people as if they were animals, subject themselves to insinuation and persecution.

    They reap what they sow.


  • YoYoMama

    We do not judge worldly people. We actually use out time and energy to teach worldly people the ways of Jehovah God. In the end, Jehovah will do the judging, of his own people and the worldly people.

  • Englishman

    Not so, YoYo,

    JW's are a nasty mean-spirited judgemental prudish finger-wagging condemning critical boring uneducated boorish bunch of no-hopers, which is why sensible nice people don't like 'em one little bit.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

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