Daily text - 1 Thess 5:19

by YoYoMama 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Sure, yoyomama - go BORROW a copy of Crisis of Conscience!
    Ray Franz carefully documents his allegations with copies of
    official branch office correspondence. If you can't afford to buy
    a copy, go to the Watchtower Observer site and investigate anything
    related to Mexico/Malawi - freeminds.org might have some
    of the same info - i think Victor E. or others know about
    the "carta" scandal firsthand - a lot of brothers paid bribes
    for the cards.


  • battman

    < He will eventually see the value of the literature.>

    but of what value on a scale of 1-10? His valuation
    might be that of great value as a comic book, as a
    means to learn how to "doublespeak", as a means
    of how to manipulate a person's thinking?

    If he does not have the exact same valuation as
    you and your Dog then your Dog will KILL him!!
    Nice motivation.

    sorry babe, your religion just sucks for sure.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    great point, great discussion,

    including the bit about " offering " old literature.

    That's too obvious! Furthermore, here in Western Europe

    they are encouraging to go out and use only the Bible,

    actually having it ready ..! Magazines and brochures

    kept in inside pockets,( for brothers) so to avoid the

    impression that many of you have observed:

    " We are only there for the literature";;;!

    Nothing, about the truth from - God's word only - !!!

    I'll keep you informed.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • metatron

    I recall that Ray Franz recounted that not all members of
    the Governing Body bothered to read all the magazines. Further,
    one or more of them admitted they read the contents the same as everyone else - not beforehand, as if they wrote any of it! (Henschel and barber?)


  • MacHislopp

    Hello again,

    sorry for leaving out this:

    Metatron and Seeker: excellent, factual and true

    comment about the real motives of the WTBS ' dealings.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • jayhawk1

    In western Europe, the litature is to be kept in the inside pockets, right? It is only for brothers? LOL. Anything they can do to get away from the, "oh, we are not book pushers" bit. Too funny.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • battman

    hiya YYM,
    as part of my ministry I place
    free literature in public places.

    Just so you will understand
    what I am really saying I will
    translate to JW "doublespeak".

    I place as a donation Ray Franz's
    books in public libraries. Which
    library is closest to you so I can
    get extra time and placement
    credit for my Dog approved time

    still loving ya babe,


  • IslandWoman


    In the Society's Reference Bible the only cross reference for 1 Thess 5:19 is Ephesians 4:30, "Also, do not be grieving God's holy spirit, with which you have been sealed for a day of releasing by ransom."

    So is 1 Thess 5:19 only referring to the anointed? It would seem so by this reference. Any other explanation requires quite a bit of pulling and stretching of the Greek scriptures.

    What is my point? My point is that the teachings of the Watchtower are a patchwork quilt with some of its old teachings mixed in with newer ones in such a hodgepodge fashion that it really is quite easy to unravel the threads of that quilt just by using the New World Translation.


  • CPiolo

    I thought I'd shed further light on the situation in Mexico. The Mexican goverment disallowed property ownership by religious organizations--any religious organization, not just the Watchtower. They seized church property, mostly from the Catholic Church, in an attempt to lessen the Church's influence in politcal matters. Here in the U.S. we are accustomed to seperation of church and state, but in much of Latin America the Catholic Church is very influencial in the political arena and priests even run for office. In order to appear fair, they elimated property ownership by all churches, not just the Catholic Church. This has since been rescinded and churces may now own property.

    During this time the Watchtower claimed to be a social club and not a religious organization. I believe most people in Mexico saw through this ruse, but their real estate holdings in Mexico were not seized. But for an organization that says it's beliefs and "truth" are so important to them, I find it ironic that they would misrepresent themselves for monetary gain. As regards "las cartillas" I believe YoYoMama could ask any Mexican Witness who has been a part of the organization since that time if they actually forged these cards, while Malawians suffered and died for refusing a political party card.

    And whoever said that the literature flowed in Argentina after the military regime ended its rule is correct. I can personally testify to seeing mountains of literature stacked in a store room of a Witness house in Argentina just a couple of years ago --all sorts of tracks, magazines and books published by the Watchtower. I helped clean them out and throw them away.


  • YoYoMama
    As regards "las cartillas" I believe YoYoMama could ask any Mexican Witness who has been a part of the organization since that time if they actually forged these cards, while Malawians suffered and died for refusing a political party card.

    As proof of this, does anyone have a copy of the political party cards that Mexicans bought and the ones the Malawians were not allowed to get?

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