Daily text - 1 Thess 5:19

by YoYoMama 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoYoMama
    When was the last time you just used your Bible and nothing else in service?

    I use the literature because it is a great tool. About a month ago, a householder asked me to only use the Bible. I explained many things just using the Bible and he accepted a Bible study, but without literature. I've gone every week since then and have had some great discussions. He is a humble man and uses his King James version to compare with mine.

  • jayhawk1

    Now was that so hard to answer my question? Now, at some point, you will have to offer the Knowledge That Leads To Everlasting Life Book to him. ( I think that is the title.) Am I right? If he does not accept, the Bible study will end. Am I right?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

    just adding italics to make it prettier.

  • jayhawk1

    Also at some point you will also have to show him how the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is superior to the King James Holy Bible. Thereby once again, your are merely distributing Watchtower literature. Am I right?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • YoYoMama

    metatron: Can you prove your allegations without asking me to go buy a book?

    jayhawk: I might and I might not. The Bible study has not ended yet, he is a very sincere man and is learning a lot. The study ends when he tells me that he is not interested anymore. That has not happened.

  • jayhawk1

    So let me get this strait, he can become baptized as a JW without ever studying a piece of JW literature. That is the whole point of having a Bible study with a JW. Am I right?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • radar

    Now, at some point, you will have to offer the Knowledge Book to him. Am I right?

    You are right, I have never known a regular study taking place with someone with just the use of the Bible, let alone someone reaching the point of baptism.


  • YoYoMama

    He will eventually see the value of the literature. I do not have to push it on him.

  • Gozz
    ...he accepted a Bible study, but without literature.

    Can you stick to your bible? Then your monthly report will have nothing for literature... you won't last long on that path. Deep within you, you know you must place some literature, somehow, to make things complete.

    He is a humble man...
    Which means he's currently agreeing with you. Since you're a JW and you call him a humble man, my heart bleeds for this man. He's either naive or misinformed, which here means the same as being uninformed. He is on the way to making his life more complicated than it is.
  • jayhawk1
    He will eventually see the value of the literature. I do not have to push it on him.

    And if he doesn't see the value of the publications? Then what? In the end, you will try to put a Watchtower publication in his hand. Weather he takes it or not, you will try, won't you?

    So in the end, you will...peddle literature.

    Am I right?

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • hillary_step

    Lets Be honest YYW,

    What does the average person in the street think of when he thinks of JW's?

    The Bible?

    Not likely! More likely is blood transfusions, Christmas, Watchtower, though not necessarily in that order.

    The reason for this is that the WTS have been mere distributors of literature, and proponents of a particularly unusual theology that relies on condemnation of others for its own self-esteem. Rather like yourself.

    Ask yourself honestly. How much of this literature distributed door-to-door over the past Century is actually read? Perhaps 5%? Can you imagine YYW, 95% gets thrown into bins, or piled on shelves for future bins. Given that the WTS admitted that only 30% of JW's read the Watchtower, 'mere literature', is an overstatement.

    A wicked waste of trees.


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