I am having some reservations about Barbara Anderson

by JWoods 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods

    Recently, there was a very nice thread in which one of our posters apologized for having the temerity to challenge Barbara Anderson.

    I thought it was very nice to see that they made up and put the personal stuff aside.

    However, I felt the need to call it like I really feel it - I was very put off by the Barbara Anderson reply in which she plugged her new promotional meeting. It brought back memories of that horrid little affair from a couple of years back when she kept posting up "the greatest new thing about blood which will bring down the watchtower society is just around the corner -- and I could tell you but then I would have to kill you, etc.".

    Just like another Jehovah's Witnesses prophecy about the coming of the Lord in our time.

    I am beginning to wonder if perhaps the siren song of self-promotion is getting a little too strong for real life.

    OK. I said it.

    James - and saying it was not the easiest thing that I have ever done. But, I felt that it needed to be said.

  • snowbird

    It's called ego, of which we are all possessors - to a greater or lesser degree.


  • quietlyleaving

    the way I see it Barb had to be very tough to stand up to the WTS. She is an excellent example for the large army of women who are keeping quiet within Jehovahs witnesses. Women within the WTS are quickly put in their place when they question anything. The male JW ego is very fragile but I would hope that in the xjw community it would be a little more resilient.

  • undercover

    I see where you're coming from...

    I remember the "Big News" thing and I was in the corner that poopoo'd it.

    However, in this instance, I didn't get the feeling of self promotion. I really think she was trying to divert the negative energy from the disagreement from earlier to something more positive.

    It's how I interpreted it anyway...

  • JWoods

    Well, like I said - I had to think about it for 24 hours before I made my words. Because I do appreciate her contribution, and nobody will ever take that away. Still - - -

    Fragile but resiliant here in Dallas -


  • digderidoo

    The good thing about us being out of the org is that you do not have to like everybody.

    I certainly don't like everybody and not everyone likes me. It's great! If you don't like her then don't read her stuff, personally i think she has done a good job, that's enough for me.


  • quietlyleaving

    James I'm glad you started this thread because I found the views (accusations rather than challenges) expressed yesterday quite disturbing and I was toying with the idea of starting a thread of my own but was concerned about censorship.

  • purplesofa

    I also thought as undercover, to get on with the real issue and stay the course.

    This is one classy woman with huge amounts of dedication.

  • besty

    what is your legacy JWoods? <leaving aside being an anonymous Internet jockey>

  • minimus

    It may very well be that both parties have strong personalities.

    Personally, I don't like the name of this thread. I've seen good people get a bad rap for expressing their viewpoints. Some like Maximus stopped posting because of the sniping. Ray Franz also got hammered by certain ones here and of course Ray doesn't need that sort of thing.

    I hope we accept our differences in a spirit of unity as opposed to creating divisions. The Barbara Andersons of this board aren't the bad guys.

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