How will anyone know when the "Great Tribulation" begins?

by foolsparadise 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Canadian Sunshine
    Canadian Sunshine

    There is a rapture.. and those that are saved go. Jesus comes and collects his people. JW don't believe in this. JW believe that Christians are not true believers, but I strongly feel JESUS will be the judge who says if this is true or not. I guess when JW don't go with Jesus, they will know.." oh maybe we were mis led". The people left behind will endure tribulation for I think the bible says 7 years.. literally the anti christ will rule. It will be like a hell on earth. You won;t be able to worship God, say Jesus name, pray, read the bible - you probably will be killed if you do it. People will know Jesus was real.. every nation will see him.

  • waton

    was there an overlapping doctrine 9 years ago? according to D, Splane's charts, Jws will know the great Tribulation, wt version, has started when the governing body and local partakers vanish. Probably with the money, gone with the wind, Bodies supposedly taken by angels, like "jesus"of old. and

    that proves that this whole new light is bullocks because "jesus" said: That the [overlapping] generation will not pass away until all these things, including the endgame "armageddon", has passed and not at the beginning. the start

  • Vidiot
    "Armageddon was not invented so it should arrive, but for us to be able to wait for it..."

    LOL, too funny!

  • Vidiot
    OnTheWayOut - "The Governing Body would only say the Great Tribulation has begun if they were closing up shop and needed to distract the handful of remaining members. While they were saying for the members to hunker down and ride it out, they would be hopping on a jet for wherever they transferred the money to, some tropical island nation."

    I can't decide what's weirder...

    ...just how crazy-ass this idea sounds...

    ...or the fact that I could actually imagine it happening.

  • Tenacious

    It starts with the destruction of False Religion. And funny enough, the JW's are being persecuted and imprisoned in Russia, North Korea, and a few other places. While they are labeled "extremists" Russia is liquidating their assets.

    I find it hilarious that the governing body maggots twist these happenings into the king of the north dribble and him entering the holy place yada yada yada. What a joke.

    I dance a jig every time I hear about another asset being sold by Russia.

    How do you like it you Warwick vermin?

  • RubaDub

    It will probably be announced at a Regional Convention.

    I would expect it to be one of the 15 minute talks in a symposium on Saturday afternoon.

    Rub a Dub

  • blondie

    The WTS/GB teaches that most prophecies are not understood until well in to their fulfillment.

    Revelation Climax book

    14 In recent years, politicians have used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various
    human schemes. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the beginning of the fulfillment of 1
    Thessalonians 5:3? Or was Paul referring only to a specific event of such dramatic proportions
    that it will claim world attention? Since Bible prophecies are often completely understood only
    after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    . 251, 14, replace paragraph with: In recent years, politicians have used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. ...

    Since Bible prophecies are often completely understood only after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

  • km 9/06 pp. 3-6 - Kingdom Ministry—2006

  • “The Scene of This World Is Changing” (‎4 occurrences)

    • 13. When Paul foretold the cry of “Peace and security!,” to what did he compare the destruction to follow, and what can we learn from this?

      13 Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    • w04 2/1 pp. 18-22 - The Watchtower—2004

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    slipnslidemaster said, "I have a great tribulation in my pants."

    YES! We need to bring back "in my pants" as a rebuttal technique!


    In my pants!

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