Do you know your personality type?

by bluecanary 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluecanary
    Actually, I am an INFJ, cool.

    Oh, then you ARE in the Too Awesome For Mere Words group.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Ooh, I'm in good company; although BurnTheShips would say otherwise.

  • undercover

    Me and Warren Buffet...we be like personalities...

    Somehow it worked better for him than it did for me...

  • jamiebowers

    Thi test has me spot on as an ENJF. So, leavingwt, I guess everyone wil hate me too with my Bll Clinton/Ronald Reganesque personality!

  • purplesofa


    ISFPQuiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what’s going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others.

    Probably why I am not very good on a discussion board esp on the political threads!!!!

  • mrsjones5

    I just took the test and came up with something not terribly different from the first:

    Guardian™ Portrait of the Protector (ISFJ)

    We are lucky that Protectors make up as much as ten percent the population, because their primary interest is in the safety and security of those they care about - their family, their circle of friends, their students, their patients, their boss, their fellow-workers, or their employees. Protectors have an extraordinary sense of loyalty and responsibility in their makeup, and seem fulfilled in the degree they can shield others from the dirt and dangers of the world. Speculating and experimenting do not intrigue Protectors, who prefer to make do with time-honored and time-tested products and procedures rather than change to new. At work Protectors are seldom happy in situations where the rules are constantly changing, or where long-established ways of doing things are not respected. For their part, Protectors value tradition, both in the culture and in their family. Protectors believe deeply in the stability of social ranking conferred by birth, titles, offices, and credentials. And they cherish family history and enjoy caring for family property, from houses to heirlooms.

    Wanting to be of service to others, Protectors find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden, and can deal with disability and neediness in others better than any other type. They are not as outgoing and talkative as the Provider Guardians [ESFJs], and their shyness is often misjudged as stiffness, even coldness, when in truth Protectors are warm-hearted and sympathetic, giving happily of themselves to those in need.

    Their reserve ought really to be seen as an expression of their sincerity and seriousness of purpose. The most diligent of all the types, Protectors are willing to work long, hard hours quietly doing all the thankless jobs that others manage to avoid. Protectors are quite happy working alone; in fact, in positions of authority they may try to do everything themselves rather than direct others to get the job done. Thoroughness and frugality are also virtues for them. When Protectors undertake a task, they will complete it if humanly possible. They also know better than any other type the value of a dollar, and they abhor the squandering or misuse of money. To save, to put something aside against an unpredictable future, to prepare for emergencies-these are actions near and dear to the Protector's heart. For all these reasons, Protectors are frequently overworked, just as they are frequently misunderstood and undervalued. Their contributions, and also their economies, are often taken for granted, and they rarely get the gratitude they deserve.

    Mother Teresa, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Stewart, and Tsar Nicholas II are examples of Protector Guardian style.

  • BurnTheShips

    The world needs all the personality types to function. We all have different talents and inclinations.


  • BabaYaga

    Burn said:

    The world needs all the personality types to function. We all have different talents and inclinations.

    See, Burn? We do need you...

  • Finally-Free

    I took the test years ago but I forget which label they attached to me. All I know is that Im quiet and expect everyone around me to be the same. I don't want anyone in my face.


  • BurnTheShips
    I don't want anyone in my face.

    Unless it's their boobs.


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