Do you know your personality type?

by bluecanary 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Yeah, beksbks,to me "psychology" and "horoscopes" come under the category of "fortune-teller type".

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    uncovering page 4

  • bluecanary

    Myers-Briggs has nothing to do with fortune telling. It's a set of observations about behavior. For example, do you have a natural preference to use your right hand or your left hand more? Or is it about even?

    That's exactly what the Myers-Briggs test is about. Natural preferences. It asks you to measure your preferences in four areas:

    1) Which one makes you feel more energized: the outer world of spoken words and actions or the inner world of thought and emotions?

    2) How do you prefer to take in information: by observing concrete facts and details or noticing patterns and looking at the big picture?

    3) How do you prefer to make decisions: on the basis of a rational analysis or focusing on the feelings of involved parties?

    4) How do you prefer to structure your life: being organized and reaching firm conclusions or being spontaneous and keeping your options open?

    We do ALL of these things to some degree or other, but we usually lean more toward one than the other for each question. This makes a set of preferences that we have in common with other human beings and can be used as a guide for helping to understand the behavior of ourselves and others. It is far from infallible but can be useful and entertaining.

  • bluecanary

    Spike, without psychology, you would have no diagnosis for your Asperger's. You would just be an idiot. Thanks to scientific study of the mind, the field of psychology, we understand things like autism better and are learning more all the time.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Useful helped me to be a better salesperson and friend.

    Entertaining yes. Now I can see how some people are on the earth to roment a certain type of person.

    Spike, remember that Psychology requires an education. Don't try to pigeon hole it in with scams. Why do you fear it?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    thank u blue, because before understanding Aspergers I was regarded as an idiot

  • beksbks
    to me "psychology" and "horoscopes" come under the category of "fortune-teller type".

    Well, I'm sorry

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    For me, the choices leave out Jehovah and His principles, so psychology and horoscopes both leave me empty.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    and unable to fit in

  • bluecanary

    Spike, do you feel that way about biology, chemistry or physics? All these sciences are just humanity's way of measuring and labeling what God has created. Isn't that what God intended for humanity? Did he not ask Adam to name all the animals? What's the sense of creating all the wonderful things this world has to offer, including the human brain, if he doesn't want us to explore it or undertstand it?

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