Request To Write Governing Body

by silentlambs 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Your persistance is noted. Thanks for you frankness.


  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo


    many of whom are homosexuals and adulterers and fornicators, in short, mere unclean dogs in Jehovah's eyes.
    and yet you still hang out with us anyway.

    This reminds me of something I read on H20 back in 1999(!). It was Focus describing Kent (in good fun). The geist of it was something like:

    Kent was such a demon-crazed apostate: a JW wouldn't dare eat from a microwave that Kent came within 20 meters of lest they by affected by the "disgusting thing."

    After that I looked at his picture on his website and -- yikes! I thought 30 meters would be safer. :-)


  • Kismet

    Once again we have allowed You Know to accomplish his task of taking a great thread totally off topic..

    Soooooooooo .... Back to the letter to be sent to the GB ....


  • teejay


    I understand your motivation, but I fail to see what you hope to accomplish with this effort. The WTS will be unmoved by your letter, even if they receive hundreds of co-signed copies of them. What do you expect them to do? Care? Be shamed to take some action? Surely you know better than that by now.

    This forum is made up of nothing but disgruntled apostates, many of whom are homosexuals and adulterers and fornicators, in short, mere unclean dogs in Jehovah's eyes.

    /You Know, you may be right for the most part about the posters here being "homosexuals, adulterers and fornicators." I wouldn't know since I don't know a single one of my fellow posters personally. I'll have to take you at your word. I can't see you purposely maligning perfect strangers without good reason and boatloads of evidence.

    What I was wondering (and I doubt you'll answer) is: What about those of us who don't fit any of those 'unclean' categories which surely applies to most of the folks here? What if a scant minority simply have a difference of viewpoint with the WTS that is based on sound scriptural, moral, and ethical principles?

    Are such ones who post here "unclean dog's in Jehovah's eyes" also?

    Just curious.

  • sf

    "I have heard you spent many years as a fornicator, drug addict, drunk, and a motorcycle club member,..."

    Which club?


  • IslandWoman


    IMO, it is too late for "please, let's reason on this", letters. You have taken your stand against the Tower quite publicly and forcefully, the proverbial "line in the sand" has been drawn.

    Do not lower yourself!!!! They will not change unless forced.


  • silentlambs

    I have been out for a couple of days, yet I wish to make a few comments regarding my earlier request. The purpose of my letter was to make clear the issues at stake regarding WT policy. Three simple requests to protect children. These requests are basic and cut to
    the core of what needs to be done. You do not need to be condesending or abrasive to ask for what is needed in behalf of children. You do not need to be a certain status within a religion to ask for what is needed in behalf of children. There is no qualification to ask or to do what is right.

    The Governing Body are people that are misguided at best, wicked at the worst. If you give them any benefit of the doubt you assume the best and offer constructive counsel. If they then refuse to respond or take any action after repeated counsel then what do they prove themselves to be? At that point there can be no doubt. Each person who sends a copy of my letter is offering a collaberation of constructive counsel. If the GB gets three letters or three thousand letters it makes no differance it is the truth of the matter they need to respond to. If they choose the course of inaction it should offer documentation for those within that wt leadership is absolutely corrupt and refuse to respond to biblical based counsel.

    They are condemned by their actions. On the other hand if they respond then who benefits? The children! and it shows there maybe hope for the GB as just simply being misguided.

    A number of methods are in the process of being employed to bring attention to and force change of, bad wt policy. This is just one more of such methods. If you wish to support silentlambs and do something, then this is a request for action. There will be other requests as time passes. As you may note it is a request, not a command. It is not a support for bill bowen, it is a request to demand a change that will protect children. Children and survivors are the issue and the basis for all matters concerning request for any action. I can ask the GB nicely, beg them if necessary, whatever it takes to bring about meaningful change.

    I hope many will be moved to be part of this effort. If you want to do something this is something you can do. If you find this distasteful, stronger measures will come about after Dateline, there will be further opportunity to participate. The hope is the end of wt policy that continues to hurt children.

  • TR

    Hi Path,

    I'm "Travis"(only created him for over 25 posts) and yes I did use that name at Witnet.


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • Celtic

    Dear Bill

    I would be happy to lend support, thankyou for trying your best, appreciated!!

    Hope the new years goes well in your endeavours.



  • MadApostate


    IMO, you have allowed your crusade to reach a point in your life where it is controlling you, rather than what obviously should be the case, You Controlling It.

    There is a proper time to do what you are asking your supporters to do, and "now" is not that time. Why can't this wait until after the Dateline airing, and after the general media has had an opportunity to grill them about the program's content?

    As I suggested in my previous post, you have the WTS right where you want them. WHY do something NOW which can only lend support to their hope that this issue has a small, limited audience?

    Since you are hellbent to DO SOMETHING, have you acted on my suggestion and filed an Amicus Curiae Brief with the USSC in the Watchtower v. Stratton case?

    Pointing out to the USSC that the WTS has a policy of "encouraging" known, habitual pedophiles to engage in door-to-door field service would likely have a tremendous impact in this case where the USSC will decide whether local governments have the right to require JWs and other solicitors to provide identity info so that criminal background checks can be performed.

    At this point in time, what would be a better use of your time and effort:

    A letter writing campaign to the GB?


    Filing a Brief in this USSC case?

    If you have in fact done so, or are in the process of such, please let us know.

    Thanks for your efforts.

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