Request To Write Governing Body

by silentlambs 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know


    "God's holy ones"? ROTFLMFAO!

    That's my point. Bill Bowen addressed the Governing Body as his "dear brothers" and then calls upon apostate mongrels to join him in his letter wrting campaign. In short: You are hypocrites. / You Know

  • Kismet

    Great letter Bill.

    I'd also like to apologize for not getting back to you on your phone call. Life outside JW issues has been far too busy.

    One suggestion is that people either re-write the letter in their own words or if they use the letter, their support should be for the suggestions contained not in support of "Brother Bowen".

    If letters state support for you personally it will be disregarded as someone trying to build a following for themselves. We here know this is not your intent...I just know how 'the boys' will view it.

    Best of luck in 2002 and thank you for your efforts to this point!


  • Tina

    Hi Path,
    I just lost a very long post to cyberspace here. Will try to re-create my post :>
    My stance here is not to bring the WTS to it's knees. My priority has always been what's positive and beneficial for the victims/survivors of the heinous 'in-house' polices here.
    I do understand that whatever they do regarding molesters is simply going to be a public relations/image ploy.I'm nt naive on how this corp works.
    It will always be so due to one major factor here. There will never be any real encouragement and help until the men in these positions are educated and trained in the various disciplines to assess and identify this. Let alone know how to network for victims.

    I would like to see them cough up enough money to provide the necessary reparations victims/survivors need to undo some of the damge done(if it even can).Sheingold calls molesting by sexual predators,"soul murder'. The best description of this.

    I am well aware of the power plays and games they play.I'll clarify my stance ,taking the long view,is that any and all documented effotrs at creating awareness of this will be in the victims benefit.
    Whether it's acknowledged ignored trashed,etc. by the org. It will be there for others to see.

    I think efforts like these tend to empower victims and survivors. That they don't see the apathy that they have experienced in the org. here. That people do what they can for them,in any small way.(lending name to an issue)

    We do what the WTS never has and most likely will never do is advocate for them. And it's also an issue of prevention. And as long as they keep this heirarchal structure of untrained men,it's never gonna happen.

    Have you ever been thru the legal sysytem w/ a woman,say for domestic violence?. Ask a woman who has had an advocate for that with her,how she felt. The sense of an emotional buffer between them and abuser. The sense of safety. The sense of personal empowerment they had.Even if all the advocate did was stand between them and the defendant.
    Summing up here,my priority has and is for the victim/survivors.
    Hope I clarified my previous post somewhat. I am not angry,as Amnesian mentioned in another thread. Far too often some people tend to mistake passion and committment with anger. Not so here.
    Thanks for your thoughts.Tina

    PS Kis.
    It was certainly clear to me that the support is for the victims/issues,not BB.

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Travis


    As much as it pains me, I think MadApostate has a point.


    That's my point. Bill Bowen addressed the Governing Body as his "dear brothers" and then calls upon apostate mongrels to join him in his letter wrting campaign. In short: You are hypocrites. / You Know
    Man, you are twisted. Bill is trying to appeal to what little sensibilities the "brothers" in NY may have. Thats a far cry from your "holy ones."


  • Pathofthorns


    Did you ever post at Witnet under the same name?


  • hillary_step

    Hi YK,

    That's my point. Bill Bowen addressed the Governing Body as his "dear brothers" and then calls upon apostate mongrels to join him in his letter wrting campaign. In short: You are hypocrites.

    In view of the fact that you are clearly condemned as an 'apostate' by WTS definitions, should not the term used in your note be, 'We are hypocrites'?

    Just a minor point Robert, but I know how pedantic you are with details.

    Best regards - HS

  • metatron

    You Know, I don't think a merry band of homosexuals
    and fornicators should find it hard to instruct a
    pack of half senile frauds and liars.

    Just tell them to be honest, for example


  • seven006

    Robert, (You Know)

    I always find it curious that almost every time there is a post from Silent Lamb's you appear with a comment about not being a part of the flock you try so hard to defend in other threads. What makes you do that? Do you take these accusations about child molestation personally? Are you trying to tell us, or even more important yourself something? Why does this topic upset you so much? I have heard you spent many years as a fornicator, drug addict, drunk, and a motorcycle club member, did you do something that you feel you need to confess? No one has accused you of any thing so why do you get so jumpy at this one particular subject? Who are you trying to protect, or better what are you trying to hide?

    I spent a little time as a cop and one thing I learned in that time is the one who repeatedly tries to defend and then disassociates themself with the accuser is usually a likely perpetrator. I'm not accusing you of anything but your actions put together a strange and some what clear pattern. Why do you continually go after Bill? Why do you call us all fornicators? You do not know us all nor do you know the ones whom Bill is directing his letter to? Why do you bring up biblical terms for sexual actions in a thread that speaks of sexual perversion? Why does this subject make you so defensive?

    Just thought I would ask. Careful how you respond or even better don't respond. It's not all in what you say or don't say but in how you say it or don't say it. We're all waiting.

    Take care and have a nice day.


  • ashitaka

    "God's holy ones"? ROTFLMFAO!

    That's my point. Bill Bowen addressed the Governing Body as his "dear brothers" and then calls upon apostate mongrels to join him in his letter wrting campaign. In short: You are hypocrites. / You Know

    YK might have a point there. Although the problem is real. "Dear brothers" is not the way to put it. You are no longer "brothers" with them, you are objectors. Use it to the full.


  • Scully

    ballistic wrote to FredHall:

    2. You're not even allowed to masterbate, so don't start talking about who can handle women.

    FredHall replied:

    And you don't know anything about masterbation.

    I guess Fred's hanging around with those Palm Sisters again!

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

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