Request To Write Governing Body

by silentlambs 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    I am enclosing a copy of a recent letter that I sent to the Governing Body. The purpose of this letter is to establish clearly that our requests are simple and the purpose is to protect JW children. If you agree with the points stated I encourage you to print out a copy of this letter and write at the bottom:

    "I agree with Brother Bowen Please take action now!"

    Send the letter to:

    Governing Body
    25 Columbia Heights
    Brooklyn, NY, 11201

    You do not have to sign your name but for the cost of a few cents for mailing I believe this could help the GB to see this is a real issue that they must change, not just a few disgruntled apostates with an axe to grind. As you may recall the WT has often asked for letter writing from its members when important issues have arisen regarding Witnesses in danger of being hurt. Is this any less of a cause?

    Please make your position known by sending a copy of this letter along with your statement of support. This is but one more way to show those in leadership positions of WT they must answer for decisions that hurt children and that we require them to stop bad policy. This can be a way to offer repeated valid counsel to those who are in error. When a person refuses to act on valid counsel, what does it prove them to be? It is also a way to support the silent lambs and offer protection for the future victims of WT policy.

    If you agree with these ideals and see it as an important issue please send your letter today.



    Governing Body
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
    25 Columbia Heights
    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Dear Brothers,

    I am writing to make further appeal to do something that is needed in the interests of the Flock. As spiritual shepherds you brothers have expended yourself for many years with the interest of trying to guide the flock in the way Jesus would approve. As you may recall it was Peter who said, “Therefore, to the older men among YOU I give this exhortation, for I too am an older man with [them] and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, a sharer even of the glory that is to be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God in YOUR care, not under compulsion, but willingly; neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; neither as lording it over those who are God’s inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock. And when the chief shepherd has been made manifest, YOU will receive the unfadable crown of glory.” (1 Peter 5:1-4) This scripture helps to explain the importance of what it means to shepherd the sheep entrusted to your care. If the sheep are to be cared for, how much more so the little lambs that exists as children in the congregation.
    When I wrote my first letter to you around one year ago I was very upset at a problem that presented itself to me in the congregation. As a local shepherd I felt my hands were tied to prevent a child from being molested. How could I be a good “shepherd” and not protect a little lamb that was in danger? I was instructed to “leave it in Jehovah’s hands,” yet would Jehovah wait one day if he knew a child was being hurt? I do not believe so, nor could I wait. As the scripture says in Acts, “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed YOU overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own [Son]. (Acts 20:27-28) In serving as an elder would I be “paying attention” if I ignored the needs of a child in danger?
    My letter had very strong words, I realize, yet I was trying to compel you to see how horrible a danger this was to the flock. I felt you needed to wake up to the clear and present threat to the congregation. Another reason my letter was worded so strongly is being contacted by numerous persons who brought to my attention that their child molestation had for the most part went unreported while they were forced to live as silent lambs. In order to remedy this problem and after conferring with several experts in the field, I offered three suggestions on how to protect children from pedophiles within the congregation:

    1. If a child is molested call the police first.
    2. No brother or sister who molests children should be allowed privileges in the congregation.
    3. No brother or sister who molests children should be allowed to go in the door-to-door ministry.

    The purpose of those recommendations was to protect the flock. Each point offered specific safeguards that preserved the high moral standards adhered to by the organization.
    The first suggestion, “If a child is molested call the police first,” not only helps the child to have a proper investigation to determine what happened and get proper treatment if needed, but it also puts any child molester on notice that if he or she touched a Witness child they would not

    be able to hide behind the body of elders, instead they would face the “superior authorities.”(Rom. 13:1) This would also show that Jehovah’s Witnesses differ from many mainstream religions by having a zero tolerance policy when it comes to molested children.
    The second suggestion, “No brother or sister who molests children should be allowed privileges in the congregation,” would not only be a deterrent for any would molest but also put the congregation on notice that certain people may need to be watched and not trusted with children, thus protecting the flock to a better degree.
    The third suggestion, “No brother or sister who molests children should be allowed to go in the door-to-door ministry,” would let the public know Jehovah’s Witnesses never send child molesters to an unknowing public which in turn gives them confidence the Witness calling at their door is a safe person. This alone protects the image offered to the public of all Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    My question is why did you choose to do nothing? What reasoning allowed you to ignore the cries for help documented on the silentlambs website? How many children have been molested in the last year since these suggestions have not been acted upon?
    In January 1, 1997 Watchtower, the impression was given that one of these suggestions had been acted upon. The article “Abhor What Is Wicked” indicated child molesters would never have privileges in the congregation, yet the March 14, 1997, letter to “All Bodies Of Elders,” plainly stated persons with a history of child molestation before baptism were “not to be queried” thus opening the possibility of pedophiles continuing to serve in appointed positions. The June 1, 2001 letter to “All Bodies Of Elders” in Britain took matters a step further by stating if “a long period of time” had passed since his last molestation, a man who committed the act of child molestation when he was baptized, could be used as elder again or could continue to serve. What were you thinking? Do you really believe you can tell the flock one thing and have the elders act on hidden directives through BOE letters with the truth not coming out? Brothers this has to end. This is not about one personality or another it is about protecting children, safeguarding the congregation, and not bringing reproach on Jehovah’s name. Psalms 74:18 states, “Remember this: The enemy himself has reproached, O Jehovah, And a senseless people have treated your name with disrespect.” If this problem is ignored, could this bring further reproach on Jehovah’s name, his people and make the Governing Body look like a “senseless people?”
    I urge you brothers to hasten and take action immediately. The brothers and sisters will respect and appreciate a decision that protects the interests of the flock. Jesus said, “I am the fine shepherd; the fine shepherd surrenders his soul in behalf of the sheep. The hired man, who is no shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong as his own, beholds the wolf coming and abandons the sheep and flees—and the wolf snatches them and scatters them— because he is a hired man and does not care for the sheep.” (John 10:10-15) I entreat you to please not act like the hired man and leave the flock, the lambs, exposed to danger. Imitate Jesus who was willing to go beyond the call of duty even giving his life to defend the safety of the flock. Whatever the reason for inaction, now is the time to act, apologize for not preceding sooner, let those wronged know they are loved and will be better protected in the future. The brothers and sisters will revere you more so for showing yourselves to be humble shepherds acting in the interests of Jehovah’s “little sheep.” (John 21:15-17)
    Please listen, please take action, please stand up for what is right, please give a voice to the silent lambs and please protect the flock.


    William H. Bowen

  • WildHorses

    I'm printing it now and will mail it out on Wednesday.


    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Tina

    Hi Bill,
    Thanks.I'm printing out,using my real name as well. My best to you and yours always,Tina

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • MadApostate


    Let's see, how can I put this tactfully?


    This "idea/plan", or lack thereof, is totally asinine, topping even your pissing off the Washington prosecutor, and going on a radio talkshow that has a reputation for hosting nuts, crackpots, and fruitcakes.

    Here you are, only a few weeks from the airing of the Dateline show, AND you have the WTS right where you want them: GUESSING ABOUT EVERYTHING.

    They don't have a friggin' clue how many people, JW or nonJW, know about this issue, NOR how many care NOR how many support your cause.

    SO, what do you propose to do?

    SHOW THEM!!!

    They will release a sigh of relief over the few hundred (maybe) letters they receive, just before bursting out with laughter over those "signed" by known apostates, (another great idea, Tina. You must have been one of Bill's advisors on this FUBAR), and then throw a celebration party when they discover that the vast majority of letters were mailed from post offices within a close radius to each other.

    I realize that this idea/plan was probably ran by, approved, and encouraged by the XJW GB, which demonstrates their ineptness, and why when given issues such as this and the UN issue, they manage to fuck up even slamdunks.

    Well, go ahead and shoot. Just pray you get yourself in the foot and not your head!

  • Farkel

    : Let's see, how can I put this tactfully?

    You can't:


    I rest my case.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • Pathofthorns

    Maybe there's a reason you're called Mad Apostate? LOL

    But I do wonder what exactly submitting this letter to Brooklyn would accomplish.

    I still find this issue hardly a black and white one, which is why other organizations and even the courts still struggle with it.

    Due to the nature of the crime, unless multiple victims come forward, the charge is difficult to prove. I see the problem lying in deciding what action to take when an individual makes an allegation against another but is unable to prove it.

    The danger exists in making an innocent person pay for a crime that he/she never committed and destroying his/her life and character. Conversely, the danger exists that a molester goes free to commit further crimes. Either way, lives are ruined when a misjudgement is made.

    Further, many victims may not desire to come forward if they know they cannot get a conviction.

    I think the solution (if one exists at all) lies in alleged victims being directed to qualified counsellors who can help them evaluate their options and move on as best they can from the tragedies they have endured.

    Since the WTS does whatever they want, perhaps directing more of your efforts towards victims to inform them of their options and rights would be more effective. Sometimes anger and frustration with the WTS's arrogance can distract one from the real issue.


  • Fredhall

    Bill Bowen,

    You are full of air.

  • You Know
    You Know
    I believe this could help the GB to see this is a real issue that they must change, not just a few disgruntled apostates with an axe to grind

    Yeah, right. LOL. This forum is made up of nothing but disgruntled apostates, many of whom are homosexuals and adulterers and fornicators, in short, mere unclean dogs in Jehovah's eyes. And is this apostate rabble now going to instruct God's holy ones on how to deal with the dogs yet in our midst? You are a fool. / You Know

  • Tina

    I don't see how advocating on the side of victims qualifies as anger and frustration. It's a pervasive organizational issue and a societal one. Thats' what grassroots groups do. Lend themselves to an issue ,a cause,being a victim is not a qualifier. All one needs is a healthy social conscience. Your reasoning sounds to me like 'you can't be a good cardiologist unless you've had a heart attack'.
    I think it's wise to have all kinds of documentation re: said issue. That an effort was made to bring this to org attention, whether it is ignored or not.
    Im not Da or DF'd YK.Unclean dogs? Look in the mirror. Your attitude and hatred are the reasons I rarely respond to you. I appreciate that you're here tho. You keep more people from returning or even getting involved in the cult you support. Please keep posting.Everyone needs to see your version of christian love and morality! :>

    MadAP,as usual your thoughts and ideas are as comforting as barbed wire. Kindly go fuck yourself. If someone chooses to participate,lend their name,it's no one else's business,you bluster blowhard scrote of a troll.You're as morally bankrupt as the org you uhem,,,decry.

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • ballistic

    hi fred,
    what's it like in your spiritual paradise today?

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