my motorcycle trip next weekend with dubs....and why it is sad.....

by oompa 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    cause i have some really cool old jw friends and it is a weekend riding camping trip in the Great Smokey Mountains...........and that should be fun right?............ya.........except.....

    these cool old friends were going to let my dfd son ride with us and camp and all........but then some of their dub family wanted to come, and some other dubs who dont even know my son........and even though he was GREAT friends with some of these guys kids... who wanted to come just to camp...........well..........they would not come if my son comes...........

    you can not beleive how sad this makes hurts....i dont even want to go now but i do understand these nuts and i do like my old dfd son even said to still go because he understands why his lifelong best friend (just reinstated!!!!) will not go if he goes......he seems way cooler about it than me...................

    this kind of painful conflict is going to kill me early......i wish me and my son could move far far far far far away....oompa

    this is insanity

  • Priest73

    it's August and the wind doesnt start again till Sep. You and your heathen son should come sailing on my boat....


  • oompa

    LMAO priest!! are we gonna sail with no wind!!!!.............but i love the offer and will take you up on it for another weekend if that is ok............that is a great idea...........or you can come down here and hit the beach with us...i would love to meet you........... is kinda weird/sad that i spend so much time and feel so much love for my df son...............and have so little contact with my miniserve son who i love but rarely see........he lives 2 miles df son 67 miles away........i will pm you my phone number.............and a big THANKS!!!........i know you get it..............oomps

  • journey-on

    Nothing in the world could make me go if my son was being shunned like that. Can't he just show up anyway? If the rest of the dipwads want to scamper like roaches, so be it. Bet your old friends won't though.

  • oompa

    well..........that would be a real mess of a showdown.........i leave with my kid.........and they leave with old friends have kids that will shun..........kinda funny since they nor my mom the elders wife will not............also........this was their ride plan, not mine

    and i may not go but was soooo lookin forward to, my son, and some good ol friends who love him too...........we will just have to do a 5 man ride next time and not make it open......................oompa

    i really feel this is insane and i am close behind.....

  • journey-on
    we will just have to do a 5 man ride next time and not make it open

    There 'ya go. Problem solved.

    Didn't mean to sound so haughty about it, but it's really the way I feel and the way I am. I don't allow the shunning thing AT ALL. I do not respect that practice and WILL NOT abide by it by cowering down like a whipped puppy when I come face to face with an old JW friend. I do understand your dilemma though and understand why some aren't as defiant as I am about the shunning thing. The JW doing the shunning is the one that has to be made to feel uncomfortable and ridiculous, imo.

  • palmtree67


    When my son left the JW's NO ONE SAID A was so weird. I'm sure the tongues were wagging like crazy behind my back, but not one word from anybody. I was soooo hurt at the time. It was like they all acted like the boy had just never existed. Even ones I considered to be close friends, never asked how he was, what he was doing, why he left......He just ceased to exist for all of them.

    I know it hurts. Sorry, hunny......

  • crapola

    Oompa, I really know how you feel. The reason I can say this is because something simular happened to me a few years ago.

    My daughter, at the time a typical teenager, had a wild streak in her. She did some things that I admit were bad, but she was'nt baptised and never has been. Anyway, there was a band coming to our local theater where we live and I had made plans to go with my best friend and a few others from the Hall. Well, when they found out my daughter was going they decided it would be best if they did'nt go along with us. Either I chose to leave my daughter home and go with them or we could attend by ourselves. Well, I told them where they could go and how really fast. And that was the best time my daughter and I ever had together.

    They were there and did'nt even speak to us. That hurt me so bad because at the time I was still in the thick of things. And this one person was my best friend and her son was the one my daughter got into trouble with. Talk about hypocrites! Things were never the same between any of us ever again.

    When I think about things like that it makes me know for sure that I will NEVER go back. I really feel for you!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I know it's not as easy as "Go" or "Don't Go!" It was planned and got out of your hands. Even your son says to go.
    If it were me, and only because the son said to go, I would go. But it would be my last under such conditions. Later, privately, I would tell the gang that my son is part of the deal.

    If I thought the son had some real problem with that, I would do something just with him instead of the ride with others.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I would tell them that if my son can't go, I won't go, and to go fluck themselves. My kid and I are a package deal.

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