I'm reading the Bible cover to cover...

by homeschool 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Cadellin

    "it just feels to me like the bible was written by men & not by god..."

    Right. When you start to understand the cultural, social and political setting, ie, what was going on in the ANE at the time, it becomes a little easier to understand. Why the big laws on fornication and adultery? Having children was the most important thing anyone could do, and for a man, having plenty of sons to protect the settlement, carry on the name and leave the farm to was critical. Tight control on women meant tight control on fertility--you wanted to know that the baby she was carrying was YOURS and no one else's. You might have noted that that the laws re virginity were only imposed on women, not men.

    Actually, there is no law against fornication per se in the Mosaic Law Code (please, correct me if I'm wrong). There are laws against sleeping with a virgin (damaging someone else's goods, as Nark brought out) and sleeping with someone else's wife (stealing someone else's goods) but there's no explicit prohibition against, for instance, a widow without family sleeping with an unmarried guy she's not related to, as long as she's not in her father's house (b/c she's once more her father's property and good for re-sale). Each of the laws restricting sex have to do with either woman's value as property, incest or controlling who the father of offspring is (adultery).

  • Cadellin

    I probably should add that such a widow would be subject to heavy social opprobrium, which would in itself probably enough to discourage such action. But from a strictly legal perspective, I don't think there was any prohibition.

  • Narkissos


    Don't take me wrong, I actually agree with you: I personally don't view the texts which happened to find their way into the collection we now call "the Bible" as "God's Word". What I wanted to point out, though, is that it is quite possible to regard them globally as "sacred texts" (because of their role in religious history for instance) without assuming that they should magically or miraculously transcend the historical context which produced them. A lot of non-fundamentalist Jewish and Christian believers do.

  • homeschool

    Hmmmm, well now, that's a very interesting way of looking at it . I wasn't sure if you were agreeing or disputing. I guess a little of both, eh? And that's okay ....I love to hear different perspectives.

  • Narkissos

    The only thing I was "disputing" (to an extent) is the astounding naïveté with which we tend to consider our moral standards universal and timeless, and judge the rules of other times and/or places by them.

    Of course that's anything but new:
    "There is a generation which is pure in its own eyes
    yet is not cleansed of its filthiness."
    (Proverbs 30:12.)

  • Perry

    Hi Cadellin,

    You might enjoy reading about many of the fallacies in the book "Who wrote the Bible" here:


    Most if not all of the questions that have been raised here have long been answered by many scholars. I have been researching for many years myself and haven't found anything in the bible that would preclude belief.

    The bible is an interesting book in that it inverts our world view..... turning it right-side-up instead of up-side-down. It cannot logically make sense until a person flies his "ship" properly oriented to the horizon.

    I have found that with only two scriptural concepts....both of which are entirely provable, the bible will not only make sense but open worlds of understanding.

    Good luck with your Bible Reading!

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