another important factor in building our relationship with Jehovah is a completeness in our study program: meeting attendance, being involved heartfelt in the singing and making notes, reading each publication from cover-to-cover with notes for comprehension and recall. Knowledge of Bible principles and accurate, sensible, practical application of them trumps personal feelings and pressures from others. When there is a struggle especially, this is the time to be prayerful, and search for the Love of Jehovah in relation to whatever you're faced with. Search for a way to bring out the best in yourself and in others, and search for others who do the same. Make friends, but always be balanced and on-guard for none of us humans is perfect, even the ones with the gift of words.
by Girlie 74 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Pay no attention to the Spike behind the curtain!
Geez, come-on Tassle, are you a walking billboard for mind-controlled drivel?
Welcome Girlie, to the forum. You seem an intelligent person, and you will sort it out just fine over some time. Settle in here, but beware of the addiction factor - some of us have arrived here, only to find we can never leave. LOL
wasn't spike the vampire on Buffy?
Welcome Girlie from Granny on board
Hi and Welcome Girlie,
Being at the crossroads can be a very difficult and confusing time - which in my case can may last for months. You are definetely making the right decision leaving JW's , and the more research you do on their double standards, false prophecies and doctrines etc, you will certainly realise this.
I decided to fade nearly 2 years ago but still have most of my family in the org, which makes things even more complicated. I've also had to leave a lot of friends behind.
Hope you stick around.
Spike Tassel
Many words on this Board are poison to our rightful relationship with Jehovah, so let the reader use discernment and pray for Jehovah's wisdom that we not be dissuaded from a proper, healthy faith in Jehovah's word and ways, and a deep respect for Jehovah Himself.
and spike was spike and spike became spike and the word known as spike was spike and since this was so believe spike
Spike Tassel
I am not Jehovah, so I do not take the credit or the honour or the glory, I just say what I understand to be germane
AK - Jeff
Tassle, you are a broken record.