Mike Little, spokesman and commander for the Los Angeles City Fire Department is a JW elder in a nearby congregation.
JW Firefighters
by tresdecu 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We had a FF in our last congregation. He was an Elderâ„¢ too. However, he was always doing something JW related on his days off. There are perks to having a rotating schedule of 12 hour shifts - some RNs and FFs get 5 days off between sets of shifts. You could Pioneerâ„¢ with a schedule like that. It's a good thing I'm not so inclined at all.
One of the JWs that died on 9/11 was a NY firefighter.
I personally knew an elder that pursued becoming a firefighter. The congregation discouraged it, saying he would miss meetings and not be a good example. He saw the change in doctrine in 1995 as a sign that he needed a good career in "this system of things." He pursued this career despite what the other elders said, saying that if they thought it necessary they could ask him to step aside from eldership.
Not only did they retain him as an elder, they liked the schedule. Sure, he was gone from a few meetings, but his schedule was flexible enough to let them "use" him for many weekday things.
Fortunately for him, that elder is now "on the way out."
I was in a hall where 2 elders were former firefighters. They later got jobs with the Post Office, which was a surprise to me. When I was hired for the post office in 1976 we were required to swear an oath of alliegence to the queen as part of the hiring process. I asked both of those elders how they got around it. Both declined to answer.
Fortunately for him, that elder is now "on the way out."
I had a group of JW firefighter friends. At least one was an MS. They were a partying bunch. I remember the MS brother who was a firefighter had his bachelor party and he got so messed up the other firefighter friends had brought along an iv bag of saline so they could hook him up to avoid a hangover the next morning (meeting morning).
Anyway he never got any slack for being a firefighter that I know of.
Wow, thanks for your posts. I guess there are alot of JW FFs after all. Definately a rewarding career. Much better than washing windows. I will talk to him, and tell him not to worry about his uncle. Maybe I can even find a referance in an old mag about a JW FF, who knows. So he can see his uncle is just spouting his personal opinion.
androb31...pretty funny about the iv bad, I'll have to try that sometime. :-) and Justitia, I am sure your PM husband loves going to calls where he can help people, instead of the "calls" where he had to leave mags.
Justitia Themis
he got so messed up the other firefighter friends had brought along an iv bag of saline so they could hook him up to avoid a hangover the next morning (meeting morning).
...happens all the time, hence my comment about the general maturity level (or lack thereof) of the average FF. I know of some who have gotten so drunk the night before shifts that they had to have simultaneous saline IVs (one in each arm) AND O2 (oxygen) to clear their system so they could work.
and Justitia, I am sure your PM husband loves going to calls where he can help people, instead of the "calls" where he had to leave mags.