So God will remove the scent gland of those damn skunks and remove those rattle calls of those crows that began early in the morning until evening in my back yard.
Animals living forever
by startingover 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
I am confident that the bacon I had with breakfast will live again...
on the other hand, maybe its just repeating on me. Is two pounds et at one sitting EXCESSIVE?
Todoran Gabor your belief is that animals will not die on a paradise earth and as you correctly point out the bible clearly says there will be no more mourning or crying and for that to be true loved animals wouldn't die.So either animals would need to be made sterile or the earth is flat and new land would be opened up.lm not a flat earther just sayin.
I was told by an elder years ago that animals do not have souls so therefore they would not be resurrected.
Seeing as he was an elder i blindly accepted his word for it.....
orbison11, obviously that elder did not realize that the WTS teaches that people are souls, they don't have a soul.
Also, the WTS teaches that animals, birds, etc., are souls (plants don't have souls because they don't breathe!).