Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !

by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi Flipper!

    I'm the guy on the left with glasses and the only person with any connection to WT in this photo.

    My name's Phil. The bespectacled young woman next to me is my cousin, Jen. She's in the middle of her PhD and has just had another baby, Hope. Somewhere underneath that grey bobble hat is her son, Rolly. The guy with mousey brown hair and aquiline nose is her fiancé, Tamin. He's a professional photographer and wonderful cook. The girl in the bottom left hand corner is his sister, Cols (short for Corylla). She's a teacher. She teaches children aged 7 to 11. Tamin's family are real nice - in fact I'm closer to them that I am to my own father. Sad but true.

    I visit them in the Scottish highlands every xmas/new years.

  • cofty

    Great pic LUHE. Nice to put a face to the interesting posts.

  • flipper

    Sorry about accidentally posting the picture of my cousin and me 2 times ! Jeez. It was having trouble posting and then it finally decided to post both pictures I posted when I thought it only posted ONE ! I guess now you know what my non-JW cousin looks like.

    Also the picture of me and my son and my black lab dog in front of the campfire will be the cover photo for our new music CD coming out in late October called " Hope Burns Eternal ". Thought it kind of fit well.

    HEY LITTLE GIRL- Hope someday you can post a picture ! Glad you enjoy the thread.

    SAFE AT HOME- Yeah, it's strange - I've been told before that I look like Tony Curtis. I guess there's a slight similarity, I don't know- maybe the dark hair. Hope you mean Tony Curtis when he was younger . LOL.

    EVERAPOSTATE- Really cool cartoon. Thanks for sharing ! Hilarious

  • flipper

    LOVEUNIHATEXAMS- Hey nice to see you and your friends ! Thanks for posting a picture ! Looks like you folks were having a great time ! Good for you. Wish I could visit the Scottish highlands some day . My mom & dad both had Scottish and English blood in them . I hear Scotland is beautiful. Take care and thanks for posting

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I think I've mentioned before that my dad lives with an old dog ...

    and here he is. He's an Alaskan Malamute (or possibly Canadian Inuit Dog) named Sky. He's definitely not a Siberian Husky. He's only 6 or 7 years old so he's not too old and weighs c. 70-75 lbs.

    His hobbies include hunting deer and rabbits, chasing people on horseback, and sniffing people's crotches.

    So f**king annoying - I can't post a photo of him!

  • flipper

    LOVEUNIHATEXAMS- I tried to click on the link for the dog picture- and it wouldn't open up. Don't know why. Is the link put in correctly ? Thanks, Flipper

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yeah, I know. I've got a photo of him saved as a document in Microsoft Word - it won't let me copy-paste. I tried putting it as a hyperlink but it won't open. Someone who's more tech-savvy might be able to do it but not me.

    Why is life such a pain in the f**kin ass ...

  • LoveUniHateExams
  • flipper

    Hey thanks Loveuni ! I see the dog has a great nose and two front legs so that's cool ! Hey yeah, I agree & sympathize- life can be a pain in the ass- but there are good times and funny moments as well. Thanks for sharing. Peace out bro, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Wow ! Now we're talkin ' ! What a beautiful dog ! Thanks for sharing ! I love dogs & cats man

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