Missile Command wasted away many a cold winter day when my dad bought us our first Atari. The game I remember most though was an old PC game called Ultima 4. It was somewhat naughty under strict JW's rule, with the magic stuff, demons and evil spirits but I had my mom sold on it as I talked up the whole, you have to be good and make good choices to ulimately win the game. Things like stealing and what not actually got you put in jail in the game. I think she knew it would not fly to the Elders but she was only studying at that point so I got away with it.
Anyone have a soft spot for old video games?
by John Doe 66 Replies latest jw friends
Blithe Freshman
I miss old nintendo games like lemmings , Adam's Family,Chip & Dale and Hatris.
People think I'm more obsessed with old school nintendo than JWs. Right now there's a program called game maker that I'm using to try and create a River City Ransom wrestling video game. I'm using the sprites from River City Ransom, which was one of the best NES games in history.
Oh and Angry Video Game Nerd is hilarious, check out his site www.cinemassacre.com
i still have my atari 2600 and nintendo, the original one. my mom and i used to stay up playing zelda, a game frowned upon by the witnesses, tetris, and load runner.
remember when you'd put a game into the nintendo, and click it down, then get the dreaded blinking red light? remove it, blow on it, then jam it in and out and click it up and down a bunch of thimes, then pray it would work. then, sometimes, the screen would be all messed up. you'd push the cartridge down a bit, and it would be good, so, you'd take it back out and put it back in then get the damn blinking red light again. DAMN IT!!!!
there is a bar here that you can play those old school games on crappy t.v.s it's so much fun.
Absolutely, positively love old video games. Next to my XBOX 360 and PS2 is a PC containing emulation of:
Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, 8-bit Computer line.
C64/128 and Amiga
SMS, Genesis (32x/CD)
M.A.M.E. for running Arcade games ranging from the mid 1970's thru 2000's.
...plus a bunch of other system/computers...Including old school Coleco Table-top and Nintendo Game-n-Watch.
I also have an HotRodSE Controller, an Atari 2600 controller via USB Adapter, NES controller via USB adapter, and a PS2-3/XBOX (360) type controller all connected to my computer.
For those interested in old school Atari gaming...New games are still being developed for all systems. A great site to visit is AtariAge. A great community and very friendly people frequent...Myself included
Big Tex
Anyone interested in some of the old video games, here's a site that has 95 of them that you can still play:
Lemonade Stand on the Apple II
Hammurabi on the TI-99/4A
Lode Runner on DOS PC
I haven't played these games in decades! But they were lots of fun at the time.
I loved Jungle Hunt, Pitfall, Chopper Command and Zaxxon
I've been playing old school Zelda the past couple weeks. First replayed Zelda 2 (I *still* remember the path through the final dungeon), then went to Zelda 1 and completely maxed out my character in both the first and second quest. Now I'm replaying Zelda 3 (SNES). I'm playing all of these on the Wii Virtual Console.