One lives by doubting everything religious, another lives by letting Jehovah [God] be found true, despite all the claims au contraire [= to the contrary, in English].
If The Bible Is The Word Of God...
by XJW4EVR 210 Replies latest jw friends
cognizant dissident
I would expect it to be a lot shorter. Do we really need all those detailed "begattings" and war stories?
I would expect it to contain a few clear simple rules to live by and how we should treat each other in a loving co-operative society. Not pages and pages of minute rules ala the old law covenant. I would think those few simple rules would be carved in a big stone and placed where anyone walking by could see them for miles, and sure, a few angels with flaming swords to guard them from revisions wouldn't be a bad touch. The ten commandments was a good idea, but he should have made them bigger, carved them into the mountain or something like in Mount Rushmore, for all to see and then stopped there. Maybe the stones could yell out, when too many people are disobeying, like when parents yell at their kids from upstairs, "Knock it off! Don't make me come down there or somebody's gonna be sorry!"
I would also like a second stone, or even a book, that answered some of the questions people really want to know. Like where did God come from? What does he look like? What form does he take? What are his precise co-ordinates of his heavenly throne? How about some sketches of our solar system, the galaxy, the universe? How did you form the earth? How did you form us out of dust? Giving us the properties of the elements would have been a nice bonus. That could have come in handy five thousand years ago.
I would expect it to contain recipes for healthful eating and what plants are posionous and should be avoided. Maybe an admonition against smoking since it causes cancer. I would expect an explanation about why some kids are born horribly deformed and live in agony of pain, even though the wages sin pays is supposed to be death after 70-80 years? I would like to know why the animals die and are sometimes also deformed and suffer greatly if they didn't sin? I would like to know why they all rip each other apart for food and some of them can't even digest vegetables properly? I would like to know what the purpose of bacteria, and virus are and mosquitos and spiders and all the other venoumous insects?
I would expect God to give his children these words set in stone back in the garden of Eden or at least after Adam and Eve sinned and were thrown out, not written down thousands of years later in a language almost no one spoke.
I would expect God to judge and punish infractions of his rules himself not appoint imperfect humans to do it, whom he knew would SCREW it all up and do it unfairly because they cannot read hearts like he can.
I would expect God to be absolutely consistent and not contradict himself. I would expect his prophecies to be in clear, precise language and not be open to mis-interpretation. I would expect them to have expiry dates on them and always come true exactly on time.
Yep, I would expect God's word to answer all the questions I really want to know. You know, the ones little kids always ask but soon learn not to because grown-ups don't like it when they don't know the answers.
Spike Tassel
In other words, some just want God to do their thinking for them. Alas, He is not that kind of a God.
cognizant dissident
That's for damn sure! He can't even write a decent book!
I wonder if God is up in heaven slapping his forehead and telling Jesus, "Look, Mr Word of God, you should have done it the way they're saying! That's where we've gone wrong!"
cognizant dissident
Isn't it just like God to pass the buck and blame his creation for his own screw up?
Isn't it just like God to pass the buck and blame his creation for his own screw up?
No. He sent Jesus to show us who he is. And Jesus wasn't created.
cognizant dissident
I thought he was the only-begotten son of God? Jeez, more obfuscation!
Spike Tassel
Actually, "begotten" can only happen if that one was created.
If The Bible Is The Word Of God… then believing it means that we accept the Christ has a Congregation that he's head of, which is why we have new "scrolls" out, like the WTS publications, perhaps.
But, this won't satisfy the ridiculers, just like any amount of money won't
cognizant dissident
See, two believers and they both can't agree on what the Bible says. I rest my case.
ps: What does any amount of money have to do with this conversation?