I don't either, though humour helps me cope with it and whatever else I have to deal with and put up with.
If The Bible Is The Word Of God...
by XJW4EVR 210 Replies latest jw friends
Spike Tassel
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I didnt read this lengthy thread...but I would expect God TO CONTINUE TO WRITE THINGS and He would not have STOPPED writing things millenia ago to a bunch of men only...and would be constantly updating the information to fit our needs today. The old testament was pretty detailed as to things as mundane as women having to go sit a TENT somewhere when they had their periods but cant be specific enough to answer the question succinctly about whether Jesus was Gods Son. Or...if birthdays should be celebrated....or if there is a CHOSEN people or everybody is CHOSEN or whatever. God wouldnt EVER be as sloppy as the Bible is.
Or it would contain something useful like how to cure cancer.
God never wrote anything. The bible is just a combination of a bunch of writings...and EDITED to exclude OTHER writings...that some men have hung their hats, their religions, their wars and killing...on.
Spike Tassel
If The Bible Is The Word Of God... then actually God wrote the 10 commandments out for Moses, according to the words found at Deuteronomy 5:22.
DD: no. Jesus was human only from conception till death. I understand that Jesus was NOT resurrected as a human, but as an angel in the form of a human.
to Chalam: As many scriptures indicate, an angel may manifest itself as though a human, and are even described as being such, though they are actually not. Appearances are one thing, substance is something else.
(1 Timothy 2:5) . . .For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus. . (NWT)
This passage was written many decades after Jesus was resurrected, and yet Paul still refers to him as a MAN
So was he a flesh and blood man or an angel man here?
Spike Tassel
then this man, Christ Jesus, would be an angel by the type the Apostle Paul knew him. Compare Genesis 18:1,2; 19:1 where 2 angels and "Jehovah" are lumped together as "3 men".
Spike Tassel
by the time
Frank75 So was he a flesh and blood man or an angel man here?
"Flesh and bones" Luke 24:39
Never was, is or will be an angel.
All the best,
to IA:— I have faith that the WTS is a rep of both Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ, even though you obviously no longer claim such (according to your current statements on JWN at least).
(Psalm 146:3) 3 Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. . .
Spike, your faith is misplaced if I can be bold. The Watchtower wants and yes needs you to have faith in it. but if you sincerely wish to follow the bible you must investigate its claims and activity over its history. Try to avoid their own sanitized version of things.
w79 3/1p.12 Faith in Jehovah’s Victorious Organization
Read Matt 24 again and warnings there as well as Luke 21:8
Christ = Anointed one
The Christ = The Anointed
The Watchtower leadership claim to be the modern day Christ, like it or not.
As does "Estephan, Steven, Son of Man" or whatever incarnation he is this week.
Never was, is or will be an angel.
All the best,
I was looking for "Spike's" answer and scriptural insight.....
I don't believe there is any proof that Paul knew Jesus as an angel, spirit or flesh. In fact at the time of Paul's blinding the account in Acts although of a supernatural event, appears that the experience may have left Paul (ie his later words cited above) with a distinct impression that it was a "man" Jesus because Acts mentions that those with him heard the voice "but not beholding any man"
Anyway, I don't expect to hear anything different from a dub. Even a df'd one clamoring to get back in. They are programmed to speak what they are told. If tomorrow the Watchtower changed its position on Jesus resurrection Spikey would spout that as the way it is.
I also think Dubs who generally avoid the visitation to Abraham like the plague are disingenuous when using it to support their view of who or what those angels were.