I understand that Jesus was resurrected in a laying-down position by Jehovah. So, Jesus had to raise himself erect.
If The Bible Is The Word Of God...
by XJW4EVR 210 Replies latest jw friends
Deputy Dog
So if I understand you, Jesus was part "spirit/angel" and part "man". A man with the "spirit" of an angel. Wouldn't that make him an angel/human hybred?
No comment? WT got your tongue?
are you not qulaified to commnet here either spike, bing that you are not a JW?
Jesus' spiritual component (for lack of a better word) is not one of an Angel. It is God. His body died on the Cross, his spirit did not. That is how he resurrected himself. This "erect" idea is bizarre.
If Spike is not a JW why does he reason and talk like (an idiot) sorry, like one ?
the scriptures are not there to be twisted to fit a silly theology,they are there to teach us about God, and Spike is in danger of mocking the true God with his false reasoning.
I believe the Bible is inspired by God, in the sense that the writers were moved to write what they did by reverance for God, I also believe the Holy Spirit moved them, to twist their words, and their plain teaching, as Spike and formerly Reniaa do, is blasphemy.
I would not want to be in their shoes.
Spike Tassel
I understand that when Jesus was resurrected by Jehovah, that he was resurrected as an angel, which is why he was able to leave the tomb without the tombstone being rolled away. Jesus, even as a resurrected angel, was still the Son of God, and therefore NOT God. I can only repeat this if pressed for further understanding.
So, you suddenly are not authorized to discuss the Bible? Can you show me where this authorization is scriptural?? Guess not, you are not authorized to.
FYI- a body does not need to be angelic to pass thru items. The Holy Spirit can transport.
Deputy Dog
I still want to understand what you are saying about what came down.
I can only repeat this if pressed for further understanding.
So the WT really does have your tongue
So spike has admitted he is controlled by the WT org. That defines a cult. Thanks spike for your admission.