I want to represent the WT but "[Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses", therefore I am an unlicensed practitioner at this time.
If The Bible Is The Word Of God...
by XJW4EVR 210 Replies latest jw friends
Spike Tassel
DD: what came down?
Spike: what context, now?
Deputy Dog
You said: "his spirit, and later his memories too:
So am I to understand this to mean Jesus was part "spirit/angel" and part "man"? A man with the "spirit" of an angel? Wouldn't that make him an angel/human hybred?
You asked:
DD: what came down?
Spike: what context, now?
In this context
John 6:33 For the bread of God is He who comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world.
John 6:51
I am the Living Bread which came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he shall live forever. And truly the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
If Jesus was an angel as you say, what ever came down , would have to be part of an angel would it not?
Spike you said:
I want to represent the WT but "[Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses", therefore I am an unlicensed practitioner at this time.
My reply:
I am sorry you want to represent a man-made corporation. Why do you not want to represent Jesus? That is who the apostles and first century Christians represented and were practioners of. How does being one of Jehovah's Witnesses, or any religious affiliation equate to whether one is a 'licensed' or 'unlicensed practicioner'? -
Spike Tassel
DD: when conceived in Mary's womb, Jesus was a human being, only perfect, with the spirit (personality) he had in heaven but, I understand, without the memories nor the powers he had as the archangel. At his baptism, I understand that Jesus regained the memory of his pre-human existence, at least enough to fulfill the scriptures that applied to him. Also at his baptism, he apparently gained the abilities to do miracles when the situations called for such. At his death, he lost all power, ceasing to exist except in the memory of Jehovah. When Jehovah resurrected him, I understand that it was as an angel. Thus he was able to leave his tomb with a physical exit such as the removal of his tombstone. It also enabled him to leave the earth and dematerialize into the heavens.
Spikey said:
DD: when conceived in Mary's womb, Jesus was a human being, only perfect, with the spirit (personality) he had in heaven but, I understand, without the memories nor the powers he had as the archangel.
My reply: Except the Bible shows JEsus and Michael to be two different entities.
Spike said:
At his baptism, I understand that Jesus regained the memory of his pre-human existence, at least enough to fulfill the scriptures that applied to him. Also at his baptism, he apparently gained the abilities to do miracles when the situations called for such.
My reply: No, he was simply made known. He was born the Christ, he did not become the Christ at his baptism.
Spike said:
At his death, he lost all power, ceasing to exist except in the memory of Jehovah. When Jehovah resurrected him, I understand that it was as an angel.
My reply: You misunderstand. He died and rose, retaining his humanity, but in a glorified body.
Spkey says: Thus he was able to leave his tomb with a physical exit such as the removal of his tombstone. It also enabled him to leave the earth and dematerialize into the heavens.
My reply:
Wrong again. Jesus did not materialize. It was him. He told his followers it was him, he himself.
Deputy Dog
So bottom line. What actually came down? If anything came down, Jesus would be part man and (that anything) part angel right?
Mad Dawg
Spiked said:
I want to represent the WT but "[Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses", therefore I am an unlicensed practitioner at this time.
Ummm... just some questions here:
- If you want to be a representative of the WTS, what is stopping you?
- Where do you get these "licsenses" from?
- "Practitioner" of what?
- And what is it that came down from Heaven?
Spike Tassel
DD: no. Jesus was human only from conception till death. I understand that Jesus was NOT resurrected as a human, but as an angel in the form of a human.
MD: being an authorised representative of the WTS requires that official recognition be granted to act in such a capacity by the JC assigned to deal with such a case.
WHy would you want to be a rep of the WTS? WHy would you not want to be a rep of Jesus.