What really matters to the elders- Podcast 9 Judicial Hearing

by Hobo Ken 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iknowall558

    I saw Ronnie today in town with wee Isa........they make a nice couple. Hard to believe he's the one on the recording, this man, defending his congregation from the 'filth' that is me and Matt .

  • passwordprotected

    I love how Mr Moffat says that they're not being legalistic, while at the same time talking about "proceedings", "judicial", "witnesses" and "addressing the chair".

    Moffat also says he loves and likes Matt. The first time he met Matt was to serve him notice of the Judicial Committee!!

    I know the other two brothers on the committee very well and at least one of them was on a personal mission. It's tangible how much of a power trip he's on.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken


    Edit. Ron Moffat actually met me once before at a Bishopbriggs Congregation karaoke night in which he introduced himself and asked which congregation I was from.........

    Correct. There was nothing legal, just or fair about this "process". They dress it up to appear they are impartial and seeking to "help" me when really as a body they have decided that they wanted me out at the direction of their leader who had the encounter with me at the hall in podcast 8.

    These guys as a body got together and asked, a bit like the Sanhedrin did ,how they can get some evidence together against me , who will fill what roles and who will play the role of the "two Witnesses" and so on.

    This will become clear as you listen. I already fatally undermined Paul Barrie's testimony against me that I was "teaching" by pointing out as he said that there was "no suggestion" I had been doing it.

    I have the whole conversation recorded in which he exempts me from any blame whatsoever regarding who the recent local needs talk (about apostasy) had been directed at. Talk about 30 pieces of silver. This man was willing to sell out his own fleshly brother and give a complete opposite testimony at the judicial to that which he had twice stated along with Ronnie Hunter that I was not "teaching or spreading" views I may have held.

    All for the sake of the glorious Watchtower Society fronted up by the Governing Body and their rules.


  • sass_my_frass

    With deep respect for what you're going through.... I hope that you have other things going on in your life, and lined up to cushion you from this one, so that you can put it behind you quickly. It's okay that it's gotten you for a time, but make sure it isn't the driving force of your life.

  • iknowall558

    Havent heard this since January........has made me mad listening to it again. Although they sound all meek and mild mannered it's infuriating to hear the chairman continually put across to Matt...YOU'RE NOT HERE TO QUESTION US! The whole problem at the shepherding calls was ....yes, we're talking to them about these 'controvertial' views, but we are apprehensive about doing it because you are not supposed to 'Question' the FDS. We were assured it's ok to have questions and to have doubts. BANG! 2 months later Matt is in a Judicial Committe on the charge of Apostasy and while there being told NOT to question them when they were clearly not doing things by the book themselves.

  • passwordprotected

    From what I understand about what Hobo Ken is doing by putting this audio online, it's to alert people as to how dangerous the Watch Tower Society is. Remember, this judicial proceeding was to determine whether it had been decided in heaven or not that Hobo would get eternal life in a paradise earth. If we use that as the bench mark to measure just how serious the outcome of the elder's investigation and judicial proceedings are, then it's important to graphically demonstrate how the process develops and unfolds and whether all caution has been taken to make absolutely sure some serious spiritual sin has occurred. (You'll notice that going on holiday with his wife and kids - who happened to be in the same location as my family (we're disassociated) put him under the "banner of apostasy". Sorry, but is that a Biblical teaching or are they just making it up as they go along?)

    Jehovah's Witnesses are kept from asking questions, raising doubts or disagreeing with unscriptural doctrines (note to Reniaa; this does not equate to promoting a sect; if Jesus' life, death and resurrection are always front and centre, that's all that matters) because of the fear of such investigations and judicial hearings.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are forbidden from entering into these judicial hearings with a legal representative or with an impartial by-stander. They have to face it on their own. Meanwhile, the Governing Body has decreed - and you'll notice when you listen that absolutely none of the references to back up the structure and processes of this allegedly non-legalistic hearing came from the Bible, but rather from the Organisation book and the Pay Attention book - that the elders meet with you threefold and that you are there on your own. The Governing Body has decreed, in direct contradiction to Jesus' own words, that the details of the accusations are kept from the congregation. The Governing Body has decreed, in direct contradictions to Jesus' own words, that you are not allowed a public hearing.

    So we have a group that claim to hold the Bible as the ultimate authority who then sit in judgement over a person's eternal life - and you'll note I'm not even taking into account the catastrophic impact their judgements can have on a person life RIGHT NOW - and they make decisions, ask questions, prohibit questions, lie, cover up, allege and in virtually every way re-enact the Star Chambers and do so in the name of God.

    Previously on this forum Hobo Ken's integrity for posting this audio online has been challenged. Within Jehovah's Witness-land locally Hobo Ken's name and reputation are mud. However, he's showing exactly what the religious order known as the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is; a high control cult. May these audio recordings serve as a warning to anyone considering taking up membership of this religious order.

    And if you're feeling in anyway uncomfortable about how the elders are handling themselves so far, just wait until you get to the appeal committee hearing; 8 elders against Hobo Ken.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    I applaud Hobo Ken's courage. It's ok to post experiences on here and people can read what happens in a jc. There is a big difference between that and actually 'hearing' reality.

    This proves beyond doubt that posters' written experiences are not exaggerated and allows the skeptics to eavesdrop on something they wouldn't normally have access to. This is an incredibly powerful tool to have at our disposal thanks to the brave individuals who put their neck on the block.

  • passwordprotected

    I applaud Hobo Ken's courage. It's ok to post experiences on here and people can read what happens in a jc. There is a big difference between that and actually 'hearing' reality.

    This proves beyond doubt that posters' written experiences are not exaggerated and allows the skeptics to eavesdrop on something they wouldn't normally have access to. This is an incredibly powerful tool to have at our disposal thanks to the brave individuals who put their neck on the block.

    Hear hear.

  • cognac

    I just started listening to this. I have a couple of questions:

    1. Is it legal where he is from to tape something with only one party knowing it is being taped?

    2. Why does he deny being an apostate according to the societys definition of an apostate? (Maybe I have to keep listening to find that out...) Is it because Hobo said these things in confidence so he was not spreading anything?

    3. What did the elders do with this letter? Did they put anything in writing or just ignore it?

  • gubberningbody

    Hobo, you need to get a tail on these guys. Find some legal dirt on them personally and let the law deal with them.

    Make it so they can't spit on the sidewalk for the rest of their lives.

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